Friday 14 February 2014


 Kindness Is Super Sweet
 Which is why this heart belongs to a
Lovely Inspirational Silly Armadillo.
My favourite fabric sponsor.
 I have been spoilt once more by my sweet friend 
across the pond Mary
 Mary Makes....
 the most exquisite gifts.
This needle case came with some Mary needles,
fingers crossed that they work their magic on me!
Thank you all for your comments regarding Liberty fabric.
I apologise for my illusions of grandeur 
regarding a 'pickled clamshell'
I don't have the patience of a saint 
so I'm just sticking to a basic clamshell quilt.
Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

February will always be my month for giving.
So come back Thursday
for my Grand Giveaway!


  1. Did we scare you off the Pickled Clams?! Sorry! ;-)

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, Clare! Your Liberty Clamshells will be perfection!

  3. I'm too excited for words!!!!!
    And I get to be a Silly Armadillo????!
    Lisa x

  4. Sweet post! Happy Valentine's Day Clare!

  5. Lucky you. I was admiring the needle case over at Molly Flanders earlier.

  6. Such beautiful gifts! Happy valentine's day!

  7. How beautiful and thoughtful too. xx

  8. Lovely gifts and I always love the magic you work with your needles!! Happy (day late) Valentines Day!!

  9. A wonderful heart and a wonderful gift from Mary! x

  10. oh no more pickled clamshells - if anyone would have been able to do it it would have been you :-)


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x