
Tuesday, 11 February 2020

lets start at the very beginning

 Last summer I went to the Festival of Quilts 
and met my friend Rachel.
Yep I met Rachel from Stitched in Color
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever actually meet
the lovely Rachel who I've known online for years.
Minutes after our meet
we were sat next to each other oohing over the antique quilts 
being shown by Christopher Tate from the
I partitculary loved the intricacies of the tiny hexagon quilts.
And so the seed was sown.
As you know I like to make my own templates,
 finding precut papers in tiny sizes from 
was a shortcut I was willing to take.
An idea began to form in my head,
the easy option would be to go for the 'pretty' route,
but you know thats not really me.
I began to struggle with the idea I had,
I knew what I wanted the quilt to look like, 
I just needed solid inspiration.
And so I have finally vowed to make a Charleston Farmhouse quilt
and stick faithfully to their colours and ethos.
Charleston Farmhouse is the beautifully hand decorated
home of Vanessa Bell and friends of 
The Bloomsbury Set.
The descriptive I'm working towards is 
a quilt that Vanessa Bell might have bought from
 I have chosen to sew purely with Kona cotton solids
(purchased from WoolWarehouse UK)
I feel this quilt will be busy enough without added patterns.

Colours for reference
Starting at the top left.
spice, wasabi, ballerina, kiwi, stone,
curry, parakeet, pepper, silver, holly,
creamsicle, cerise, pickle, candy green,
mango, mahogany, buttercup, gumdrop,
bluegrass, biscuit, maize, glacier.

There have been and will continue to be many decisions
regarding the design and colour.
I hope you will follow along with 
the rollercoaster ride I feel this quilt will take us on!
Calling this quilt 'The Vanessa' quilt for now.


  1. Nice to catch up with you! I stopped serious blogging quite some time ago but am thinking that I ought to resurrect my blog...I hope you are well..and happy. Love your creations! Sal 😁

    1. Hi Sal!
      Blogging is like reuniting with an old friend.
      why not try posting once a month?
      Clare x

  2. Looking good, I love seeing different ways people use hexagons. x

  3. Looking so lovely! I bought a ready to stitch hexies last year too and still don't know what to make.

  4. I’m really enjoying watching this project develop!


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x