
Wednesday 6 January 2016



Hello Happy New Year!

I've been pondering the meaning of my life....
deep, I know for a new year.
The decision is to accept what is and move on.
My word for 2016 then is acceptance
nothing grand.
Not a passive acceptance,
but an understanding of life.

Accepting that when I'm having a bad day
I will live through it 
as there will be better days ahead.
Accepting that we will never have children.
(that one was tough to write) 
Accepting change.

Accepting that whether I blog everyday or just sporadically
you are still there... I appreciate this beyond words.
And if you are not, I accept that also..

My first acceptance of 2016 is to understand your frustrations over Instagram.
I accept that I've not been sharing my work here so much.
Todays pictures are of my current wip
The basic pattern is more widely know as 'lapassacaglia'
Instead of sticking to the original pattern, I'm making it up as I go.
If you fancy a go there is a book
by Willyne Hammerstein called Millifiori quilts
available at SewandQuilt
Also available are the paper pieces,
as you know I generally make my own,
but I ACCEPT that sometimes a little help goes a long way!!


  1. good for you....thats a tough one though. i have worked on expectations from other people which can sometimes lead to misery and perhaps as retirement(early!) looms acceptance would be helpful x

  2. Ahhhh! So much in one little post! It's very freeing to accept things that just make life anxious by mulling them over. You aren't saying you like it, after all, you are just acknowledging that it is what it is. Beautiful makes, Missy! I need to go look at your previous blog post now....I think I missed it :( Please accept that I am far from perfect!

  3. Hi, the photos are beautiful, like stained glass. Maybe that spot in front of the window should be where it stays :)
    And I like your word of the year, and your honesty about someday having children.
    Maybe someone else, feeling just as you do, read that and moved forward in a positive way.

  4. Such a beautiful quilt, and such profound thoughts - you remind me of the words of Elizabeth Kubler Ross [a woman who really understood the meaning of 'acceptance] “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Happiest of New Years to you, full of unexpected blessings and joys

  5. Wow! What an amazing quilt already. The pictures make it look enchanted, like a fairy tale! Acceptance is a big word, perfect for dealing with the tough things in life that 'just are'.

  6. Get ready to launch a book!! Teach us to paint teach us to sew teach us some stories and make it fun you will sell sell sell !!! Just make it different than all the crap that is out there now please !! I know you can do it !

  7. Love the snippets of this quilt, especially with cute Mr Fox making an appearance.
    Acceptance - that's a biggie.
    I can empathise with you about how hard it must have been to type those words about children and am sending you a hug through the blogspshere.
    Lisa x

  8. Hi Clare and Happy New Year! Acceptation is great word for this year, which I wish brings you happiness, health and what ever you hope! You have wrote very wise sentences and I agree with each of them. I don't have children; I thought it was my choise but later I have been thinking that it was ment to be like this. Your quilt project is amazing! All these photos are so beautiful and the last one made me smile! I was thinking word: Improvise for this year, but I would be happy to have second word your: Acceptance. x Teje
    PS. my new address is:

  9. Wonderful quit start! I too have been thinking deep thoughts lately... let's see where I am headed... I wish good things to you!

  10. accepting what we can deal with and that its ok, is as Mary said freeing. Loved the La Passacaglia quilts I have seen popping up everywhere and decided to joined in, do love your cog!

  11. Firstly a big hug because that's what I do, acceptance is awesome and it took me 50 odd years and a few dark times to reach it. But can I tell you when it really settles on you it is so liberating, there are still days I look for acceptance outside, we all do, we are human, but as long as I accept myself , warts and all , first and foremost, I can live very very contentedly. Love your latest work in ever inspiring!

  12. I accept you as you are and accept seeing whatever you feel like sharing... it always makes my day brighter :)

  13. Your quilts are beautiful. Your post struck deep. My choice this year is: Choose Joy. To just take the action and choose joy.

  14. a very good word as there are some things that have to be accepted as they cannot be changed. Quilt is beautiful. My word choice has been peace not only in my own life if possible but for the world that is no such a mess right now and seems to be getting worse. Acceptance is something I do not think I can apply to the state of the world

  15. A beautiful post Clare. And thank you for sharing. Acceptance is so difficult sometimes, but creativity is so joyful. Maybe there is a balance here and a need? Your work is absolutely gorgeous. My hat is off to you. Once again thank you for your blog and your sweet words. I really do appreciate them and they help. You do what you need to do and those of us that wish to wait for you will be here. Best of the New Year Clare.

  16. I was surprised to see your word for the year. We have the same one! It seems unusual as it is not a common one. In fact I've never seen it.
    I think we've both had a bit of a tough year and have had to make peace with a few things.
    Your paper pieced quilt is really beautiful.

  17. Happy 2016, may it bring you all good things x

  18. Great word. It took me years to accept that we wouldn't be having any children (some days I still struggle with it) so you have my empathy with that one. Such a beautiful Passagalia and it looks stunning as "stained glass". With every best wish for 2016 Clare.

  19. Acceptance, that is such a wonderful concept, I need to think ion it more. Your work is so beautiful Clare

    Cheers Fi

  20. Always lovely to see that you've posted and to see your latest work of art. Yours is the one blog that when I see you've posted I take a look straight away.
    Your wip reminds me that I was looking at the Millifiori quilts last year and considering whether to start one. I didn't, but might.
    All the best to you in 2016.

  21. Your stained glass quilt top is such beautiful work, ACCEPTANCE, there is a word that says so much for all of us. THANK YOU thank you for writing posts on your blog when you want to because first and foremost it is for YOU, and then a gift you are sharing with us.

  22. Beautiful work and a good choice of word for the year. I hope acceptance brings you freedom, love and peace xxxx

  23. I love that quilt! The colors and patterns are just stunning. I have been thinking about trying that type of quilt and looking at yours is encouraging.
    I liked your words of acceptance. We all have something in our lives that we have to accept. It is a step towards peace for sure.

  24. Love your quilt! I have just found your blog and I love your "acceptance" words -- that is awesome and so meaningful! I am really going to try and remember your words! thanks for sharing.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x