
Thursday 19 March 2015

Is there life in this old blog yet?

When you've been blogging so long that you cannot remember
how long you've been blogging,
I think its fair to have unblogged moments...
The blip in my blogging has coincided with a blip in my mental health.
Although I am gathering myself together
I am realising that living my life online has consequences
that lead me away from reality
making me less inclined to leave the house.
I understand that we dip in and out of this world,
I've just spent far too long dipping in...
I know that I can't be alone with this issue
I also know that its not healthy for me.
I'm not really sure where I will go from here.
I am active still on Instagram
 (apologies again for those that aren't)
Quilting is keeping me sane....I think?!
That and meditation and breathing exercises
which I'm discovering via the free app destressify.
If you've been suffering with anything
be it mental or otherwise
I really recommend giving this a go...
its changing the way I think.
I'll leave you with my current sewing efforts xx

 My flowers for Eleni x

Thanks for listening and take care of yourselves xxx


  1. More importantly take care of yourself sweet Clare!

  2. Nice to see you back, with lovely work as usual. Look after yourself!

  3. Sending you a great big hug.....keep quilting, keep being mindful, and don't isolate yourself, the company of lovely friends really helps. Take care :) xxx

  4. take care of yourself!! and thanks for the honesty :)

  5. Just wanted to send you ((hugs)) YES we've all been there. I had a few years of frustrating health issues which included lack of energy and some very stressful days turned out that I was vitamin D deficient and I was over breathing..(who knew such a thing existed!) once I recognized my triggers and how to correct my breathing plus a strong Vitamin D supplement things got a lot better. Just take each day at a time and you'll get there!

  6. I have been reading your blog for a few yrs now. A lot of us are in the same places in quilt life. I noticed , however that it was very helpful to me to stay connected or in touch with my local quilt shop classes or groups . I find that If I participate in "real" life with people it alleviates that feeling of being cyber lost or wandering ..I don't like total involvement cause I dont want to be demanded of my time , but enough to exchange with others..I dont go as far as pot luck dinners or anthing, but I do dip my toes .The peculiar thing is when I come home from these activities I tend to talk about them anyway. Right now my blog is private to myself however, but it helps.I began quilting in 1984 and I still take classs just to be with others.

  7. We're always here for you, I suspect many of us have been there at some time.

  8. I think it is important to have unblogged moments of life. I seem to be having the hardest time sitting at the computer, writing blogs or reading blogs. It seems important for me to mostly step away from the computer and live life somewhere else.

  9. Hi Clare, it sounds as if you are saying goodbye, although you don't come right out and say you will never post to your blog again, unless I missed it. I'm not a blogger but what you say makes sense. Thank you so much for the beautiful things you have shared. And the information about destressify, I'm going to check into immediately. I'm sorry you have had what I call brain chemistry issues. It is very difficult to cope with, and you are not alone in what you talk about, many, many of us have the exact same challenges, even as we persue and enjoy beautiful hobbies. It is sad to me that life seems so difficult for so many of us, it just doesn't make sense that it should. I think our reason for being here is to help each other through this challenging life. I will miss seeing your beautiful work as it unfolds. It is good to step back, regroup, and especially to remove any pressures you can. Take care of yourself. Camille

  10. I was wondering about you just the other day when I looked at that sweet mini you gifted me.:) I haven't jumped into Instagram yet--too much social media bogs me down! Take care.

  11. Wishing you a speedy recovery to a happier you... Stay strong. Much love xxx

  12. What beautiful work and a wonderful blog. Stay strong sue x

  13. I love to read blogs but know that I myself couldn't write one as I am quite a private person and find it difficult sharing my thoughts and words with others. Sometimes I feel like I live in blogland and not in the real world as I follow so many blogs. It's strange at times, I feel that I really know people because I read so much about their lives but in the end it's not a two way process, they don't know me. On the other hand I get so much enjoyment out of blogs, learning about others lives and being inspired to create lots of things to make. Your blog has certainly inspired me to create beautiful patchwork so I would like to thank you for sharing your creativity. Take care and do what is best for you. Liz x

  14. Thanks for keeping in touch. I think quilting is good for my mental health and happiness too. Love what you've been working on.

  15. Always lovely to see a post from you Claire. I hope you are feeling better. I prescribe some sunshine for you my lovely pal xxxxxxx

  16. Hello! Sometimes it takes a real kick in the pants to reset. Glad to see that Spring is here and we can all enjoy the sunshine. It's so much better than the alternative!

  17. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling that good just now. Good that your sewing is helping along with the app. When I've been going through bad times, I remind myself that those feelings don't last forever, which helps.
    It's always uplifting to see what you've been working on. x

  18. Selfsewn, you are certainly not alone. And its always hard to try and ait and then make some changes. I had a similar unwell mental realization a while back, I decided that this blog can't be the only reason to write
    I decided that I'd forge ahead and make some real friends. Do pop over toy blog Good Earth Quilting. Let's talk more about this phenomenon?

  19. Now, onto your quilting progress its wonderful. Hugs to you for coming out.

  20. Beautiful work, and I wish you a speedy recovery. It must have been hard to write and post these words. Good luck. xxx

  21. I recently discovered your blog while searching for Rose Star (I guess I'm really behind all you cool people!). Anyway you're super inspiring and I hope you to continue to blog!

  22. Hoping you are ok, take care and take time xx

  23. I am so thankful to have found your blog. What a warm, inviting place to visit. I love your quilts and how you use so many beautiful colours from anything from sheets to jeans! Hugs, Heather

  24. Thanks for sharing Clare. I am in a similar place I think - been struggling lots and I don't think the online world really helps. While I love blogs and instagram for inspiring my creativity and for some interaction with friends, it just takes up too much time and keeps me away from the present world I should be living in. I am trying to decide whether to quilt blog reading or instagram - I really feel one of them needs to go. Look after yourself xx

  25. I am not a blogger, but I am an avid reader of blogs. I have read other bloggers talk about having to take a break, I suppose you feel a sense of responsibility to your fans to post on a regular basis, it's the only way I can figure out the pressure bloggers put on themselves. You have a talent that many have benefitted from, myself included, so I say less of you is way better than none. Take care of yourself, post whenever you have something to show us - we will be happy to see it.

  26. Do what's best for you, but know that your blog posts are so appreciated. Take care, hugs......

  27. Just found your new site. You have given small pieces of yourself with this Blog. But it is like a quilt, small fabric pieces make something beautiful. You bring lots of joy to others by sharing, but also need the human contact too. Share when you can, but find confidence in yourself too. You have a lot to offer. I have struggled in my past too and know I am the only one who can fix myself. I started by being in a big crowd and looking for someone else sitting alone.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x