
Monday 5 January 2015

optimism and a new year

 Hello dear readers and a happy new year!
Its been a while hasn't it?
I've been lost in the world of instagram,
which I know annoys some,
so I shall try to stop by here at least once a week.
To be truthful I needed a break from the blog,
I do find blogging sucks up so much of my time,
and with instagram I can find more time to be creative
with a needle and less keyboard action.
I feel 2015 is a year for optimism,
I've languished too long in the land of 'what ifs'.
So less self deprecation
and a little more unashamed cheering!
Clare xxx


  1. I love the quilt. I feel the same 2015 is a year for optimism most definitely!
    Happy New Year
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  2. Fabulous!!!! I can't wait to see what 2015 holds! I know you will conjure up some wonderful makes! 💫

  3. Happy new year, Clare! I am all for optimism, too! Lovely quilt, I have been adoring your quilting on Instagram, nice to see the end result!

  4. Happy New Year Clare. May it be a fantastic one for you and yours.
    Anne xx

  5. Your quilt looks great (and massive), hanging on the fence like that. Happy New Year! It seems like you've chosen a very good new year's resolution. I hope you stick to it :)

  6. nice quit and good to see you back blogging, personally I am not a fan of instagram bit too complicated for me do not understand the hash tags etc

  7. Happy New Year Claire - I have been thinking about you loads as I have been patchworking like a good 'en!! I will get around to sharing some of them at some stage!! i also have a new project on the go too - a "Quilt as you go" patchwork. Many thanks for your continuing inspiration xxxx

  8. That last photo is amazing! I am blogging less and mostly because my computer time was sucking me into a vortex where nothing else was getting done. I miss reading blogs and want to pop in to my reader more often but I refuse to let it take over again - so long live IG!

  9. Wouldn't be fab if you went for a walk in the forest and gates were decorated with patchwork quilts as you went along!
    Lisa x

  10. What a fabulous setting/picture of your quilt! I have completely stayed out of the facebook and instagram scene because my blogging already takes up entirely too much time.:) Need to have time to quilt too!

  11. I'll cheer for you! Happy new year. Beautiful scenery here =)

  12. What a pretty quilt! And a beautiful setting to photograph it in!

  13. Am having a lovely scroll through your posts. You certainly take great pictures of your quilts!


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x