
Thursday 23 October 2014

back in the hoop

 For a couple of weeks now I've been 
quilting quilting quilting!!
I first hand basted the quilt sandwich with my favourite
heirloom 80/20 cotton blend wadding
and a perfect vintage sheet from my stash.
I find it works well to roll my quilt like a scroll when I'm basting
so I'm not distorting the layers by kneeling on them.
 Painted that wall mustard in summer!
 I have returned to the hoop.
I was a renegade for awhile...that was until
I realised it was okay to have more than one thread on the go!
I'm also using masking tape to guide my lines,
I'm not looking for perfect spacing
but straight lines are a must for this quilt.
 Multi threads (Lucy!)
I have chosen to exaggerate the explosiveness of the design
with the perle cotton 8 
I hope I made the right decision.
It reminds me of that White Stripes
Seven nations army video.


  1. That white quilting is going to look amazing radiating out from the centre! I can't wait to see this beauty finished!

  2. Hi Clare! Looks beautiful! White is good for quilting this fantastic star! x Teje

  3. Now I want to make a quiltlike that myself. It is going to be a beauty!

  4. Oh my, oh my, oh my! Just super.....what a sense of achievement you must be feeling! Keep you warm and toasty too! :) xxx

  5. It looks amazing - and don't know where you find the patience! Hope you are keeping well xxxx

  6. This is going to look fabulous. Would you recommend basting over pinning quilts?

  7. A beautiful quilt and quilting. The way you used the stripe fabric really adds to the design and beauty of this quilt.

  8. your quilting is so even wonderful, I too like to hand quilt but my stitches are larger than yours, maybe one day I will get it right.

  9. love the white quilting - and multiple threads on the go - a new concept for me but oh so freeing!

  10. Gah, I love it! All those little stitches. Clever to keep multiple threads going. I'd love to sit down by you with my cross stitch =)

  11. Oh my stars! This is grand! It took my breath away when the page opened to that fab star!! How big is this? It looks huge! You did it again girly!

  12. Fabulous, I was wondering how you quilted it, but then your answer came in the next post.. A Big Congratulations on doing a handpieced and hand quilted quilt in one year xxoo... Found you on Instagram...fell in love with your work


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dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x