
Tuesday 2 September 2014

economy block reveal

 Yay a quilt reveal!
This is my economyblock quilt.
There are many others like it,
but this one is mine....
..more details below.


 I began making this quilt to join in with the whole economyblock along,
having failed to join in with the trip around the world quilt along.
I thought it would be a good way to eat up my scraps,
so this quilt give or take a few sweet fabrics
is entirely made from old fabrics or remnants.
I really wasn't too fussed on fabric selections,
I just made sure I chose ones with a good tonal balance.
I was loving it so much that I decided to make it Kingsize for our bed.
Throwing the rule book out really opened my mind
and made the whole process such fun.
In my head I could see black quilting,
so that's what I went for.
I hand quilted using a perle 8 cotton,
I was a little worried about how the stitches would look
on the vintage sheet backing,
but when they are 'en masse' they don't seem so harsh,
still horribly uneven, but I'm living with that.
Each block measures 7.5 inches
and there are 90 in total!!
I went with a solid binding in Ron burgundy,
so as not to compete
but also it's what I had.
I used Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 wadding
which makes quite a light quilt.
and finally...
I've named this quilt Pearl Jam
after my favourite band.
I finally got to see them live this year after twenty years.
I hope this quilt keeps bringing back the memories of 
the best gig ever and to celebrate a wonderful year x

ps. thanks to my fabric donators,
you know who you are xx


  1. I just love this quilt. There is something about the overall effect, the design, colors and fabrics you've used which is so gentle, comforting and undemanding, even though when you look closely, many of the individual fabrics are bright. You have such an eye for putting colours together Clare. It looks like it would be at home in any setting. So clever you are!
    As I said, I just love it.
    Gill xx

  2. P.S glad you got to see your fav band live - great name for your quilt too, and will remind you of seeing them in concert.

  3. It's so beautiful and great name and label! The stitching looks amazing, glad you went to the dark side!

  4. This quilt is soooo crazy lovely! I am in love!

  5. Just lovely! It really does look great, the quilting is the perfect finishing touch, and how fabulous it is on the bed too. I really must finish mine now....

  6. Love it and think your black hand quilting transforms it into a quilt that is very much uniquely yours, no matter how many people did the economy blocks. Another great finish.

  7. I love everything about this! Great job!!

  8. Love, love, love it make THE most wonderful quilt and I think this is my favourite.
    Jacquie x

  9. I love everything about Pearl Jam, the fabrics, patten, black quilting....and of course the backing! The lady at the quilting shop spoke to me about the 80/20 wadding, what's it like? Oh and I still can't find the quilt, think I may have given it to the charity shop.....if I have someone will be very happy! Well done :) xxx

  10. Another beautiful finish! Your quilts have that perfectly handmade feel about them.

  11. This is fabulous - rules were made to be broken, this quilt is the reason why!!

  12. Pearl Jam is also my favourite band. I I have seen then live twice (once with my best friend and once with my husband). I have also seen Eddie Vedder twice when he has toured solo (also once with my husband and once with my best friend). Seeing them live is definitely an amazing experience and worth naming a quilt after :D

    The quilt turned out great and looks so at home in that room. Love your room, and your painting looks really good up on the wall, too.

  13. what a great quilt,best way to use up scraps. must find my economy blocks I made last year and do something with them yours has inspired me

  14. That quilt is gorgeous
    Julie xxxxxxx

  15. it is so brilliant! I have loved seeing your progress with this on IG :-)

  16. Well, I am finally getting over here to your bloggy blog! And what a lovely sight! Gorgeous quilt Clare and brilliantly executed! Your label is perfect of maybe your rockstar name is Clare Jelly....hehe!

  17. I know I've said this before, but I LOVE how you combine your fabric prints and colors! What a lovely quilt. Please give it an extra squish just for me.:)

  18. Fantastic quilt - the black quilting thread is a bold choice but works perfectly!
    Caz xx

  19. As always, it's gorgeous. As I was scrolling through the photos, I thought it looked quite zingy, but I think it is more apt that the quilt 'sings'. Maybe it's the black quilting that accentuates the fabrics and colours.
    Lucky you to get to see Pearl Jam. They're Mike's favourite band. Lovely to name the quilt after them. Eye catching label too.

  20. Claire, I am loving your economy block quilt. This is exactly the sort of patchwork design I love. Traditional, but not fussy/contrived. It has a vintage twist, but looks fresh and inviting.

  21. I love it. Beautiful hand stitches to top it all off ; )


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
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dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x