
Friday 4 July 2014

the post with many names

 Wow what a week
not only did I turn 40 
I managed to get Audreys giveaway gift to her
and also receive a surprise present of my own!
 I've only known Audrey a few months
she blogs at Quiltyfolk
and I have to say I admire her work immensely.
Its always challenging when picking someone to make a gift for
and then realising just how talented said person is!!
Like a little puppy hanging off the tail of a great dane!
I know Audrey wont mind being described in that way
because I think shes a bit silly, like me,
which is why I went out on a limb and called her mini
Audreys kookoo quilt,
purposefully leaving out an apostrophe for ambiguity.
 Audrey is a traditional quilter who is currently evolving towards a modern slant,
which I love to see, so I tried to give her a mix.
The centre octagon was appliqued on to calm the trippy effect of those stripes
I think I managed to get both our personalities in this quilt,
the plaid binding was definitely an Audrey touch.
Another little one adopted out,
I think I should have a reunion one day with all my
minis that have flown the nest!
 The very same day that I was shipping Audreys gift
I had a lovely surprise gift from my pal Susan at Patchwork and Play
all the way from Australia in a matter of days!
 This perfectly beautiful LIBERTY union jack cushion cover
made by Susan is a wonderful addition to my home.
I love it thankyou so much Susan!!!!!!
ps. sorry I didnt wait for my birthday before opening my parcel
but come on would you wait??
This was a post of many names
Celebration week
Giving and receiving
Spreading love
What goes around comes around
July 4th
Over the hill?
Or maybe my life truly beginning.
I'll let you decide


  1. So not over the hill because if you are where does that put me? Rolling down the other side at a great speed!!! Lovely mini and Susan made you a gorgeous cushion. Glad you had a good birthday.

  2. Oh gosh! I agree ....not over the hill!!! Your 40's will be amazing! I love the Liberty looks so comfy :) and how lucky is Audrey to receive a Clare-Made Mini! It's perfect! I could study your embroidery all day long! There should be a late arrival to the party....fashionably late, of course!

  3. You are a Spring chicken Clare! Life is just beginning! Your mini is sweet! Your choice of fabrics for Audrey's mini is just perfect! Happy, happy birthday again! (I am unable to log onto IG on my phone so I am missing all the fun there!!!)

  4. Beautiful mini Clare. I really like the color combo and the little birdie center. The pillow from Susan is a treat. A clever use of Liberty fabric.

  5. Don't worry 40 is nothing! Great gifts given and received!

  6. 40 is just getting started. lol And YOU are the talented one Clare! Thank you so much again. I poured over the entire quilt of course taking in all the details and I was so intrigued by your binding. Why don't I ever think to use a color combination like that? Then I read your post about using the plaid because of me. I love what you said about me evolving. Such a compliment, but now I know exactly why I don't exactly 'fit in' anywhere in blogland.:)

  7. More happy birthday wishes to you.
    Like your new mini quilt, the birds are so sweet.
    And that cushion, wowser, you lucky girl!
    Lisa x

  8. What lovely projects! Happy birthday :-)

  9. Beautiful sewing. Happy birthday. x

  10. Visiting from Audrey's blog...what a lovely gift you sent to her : ) Sweet.

  11. Happy birthday - lovely gifts, both sent and received.

  12. Definitely not over the hill! Love your quilt for Audrey - she's such an amazingly talented quilter, isn't she. And many happy returns to you, another very talented quilter, for your special birthday!

  13. A very Happy Birthday to you. Sorry it's a little late. Hope you're enjoying a lovely birthday weekend.
    Once again, what a beautiful mini quilt. You are full of surprises.
    Lucky you receiving the beautiful Union Jack cushion.

  14. Happy Birthday Clare! Life will just get better even from now on.
    Audrey will love it I'm sure, it is the perfect blend of modern and tradional, and it's stunning! I love the quirky touch with the bluebirds in the centre.
    And lucky you, receiving that wonderful union jack cushion - i love the Liberty fabrics and Susan obviously knows you do too!
    I'm off to visit both of those talented ladies blogs, have a great day!
    Gill xx

  15. Happy Birthday, Clare! How lovely to receive handmades on your birthday week.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x