
Thursday 22 May 2014

my chelsea garden

I've been watching the Chelsea Flower show all week.
They've been requesting pictures of your own Chelsea garden
so here are mine.
I know I share similar things every year
it's a good way to keep track of how things are developing
for me as well as you.
I think this garden will always be my biggest WIP
(Work in Progress).

*clematis ville de lyon


  1. I tend to lurk here but am coming out of the woodwork to say how much I enjoy watching your garden:-)

  2. My mum always told me a garden is never finished......yours is beautiful! :) x

  3. Your garden looks lovely Clare! Having visited Chelsea yesterday I can confirm that you are well on trend with your planting! Aquilegias were in most the show gardens, lots of blues and purples,lots of tall plants (foxgloves especially) amongst all the soft blues and whites, and lots of wild flowers - cow parsley, buttercups, herb robert, grasses..........then cranesbills, valerian, irises, verbascums, perennial salvias.....and lovely peonies too. Yours looks a beauty. The clematis is wonderful too.
    Is that geranium Johnson's Blue? Its such a wonderful colour.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely garden.
    Gill xx

  4. Looks so restful, love a curved path. I remember my dear old dad saying once, there are no straight lines in nature.

  5. So lush and pretty - love all those buds ready to burst into colourful blooms.

  6. I do love seeing real gardens - and yours is really lovely. I especially love the curve of the grass path and the gentle way it leads you on - and I really like your planting. I also wish my lawn looked more like yours! Thanks :)

  7. I've been enjoying Chelsea too. Your garden looks lovely. I'm waiting and hoping for more flowers in our garden. At the moment the Peonies have been in full bloom and were looking lovely but they've gone a bit over and the rain yesterday has more or less finished them off. And I meant to cut one or two for a vase, but too late.
    Wishing you a Happy Birthday, belatedly? I thought I had left a comment on your last post. Looks as though you had a gorgeous holiday, full of wonderful memories. Did you take some sewing with you?

  8. And a lovely garden you have too, I never thought of them as a WIP before but yes your are correct, I know mine certainly is.

  9. What a fabulous garden! I want to just pop over and be lazy in your garden! I don't know what happened to my tulips this year. I don't have any...just green leaves. Nothing came out of the ground! Very odd. Perhaps you need to paint your garden or quilt your garden????

  10. Your garden is looking lovely...they are ALWAYS work in progress...nature like to get the upper hand! Just viewed your great holiday pics with a slight pang of envy; just having returned from a wet week in Pembrokeshire!

  11. Oh, lovely!!! Thanks for the walk through =)


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dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x