
Tuesday 22 April 2014

spring break

It seems that a natural break from blogging has commenced.
I highly recommend these breaks from time to time...
it does wonders for your creativity.
I'll leave you then with my latest creation;
remember how I wanted to recreate that magazine feature here?
Not bad for the first year.

ps. I often find that flowers can be wrongly labelled
leading to undesirable results...
I think however in this case
I like the tulip mistake.
pps Audrey your gift is now a wip!
See you all soon 
*did anyone spot the levitating blackbird?


  1. Your flowers are beautiful! Wish I had more in our yard. I'm in no hurry to get my gift, I know it will be wonderful no matter when it arrives.:) Enjoy your break!

  2. Your garden is looking nice, lovely tulips. I've got new tulips in our garden this year which have done well. I only caught sight of the blackbird second time around.
    Enjoy your break.

  3. Just gorgeous. Don't those tulips look beautiful. I did spot the blackbird! What do you feed them with?!
    Just to say you may have received some SPAM emails from my aol account these past couple of days. I am changing my email address over to a gmail one. I'll email the details.
    Lisa x

  4. I wish I had a yard to relax and enjoy! I'm a rooftop/indoor gardener at the moment, and it just isn't the same. I miss grass!!! Love the tulips and the floating blackbird! :-)

  5. Such a beautiful garden - it is everything I'd like mine to be! Alas the heat here in Australia destroys primroses - I have mine in pots and move them around cooler spots in Spring.

  6. Oh Clare! One day you are going to walk into your garden and find me lounging on your bench! Your garden is soooo inviting! Just as a garden should be! Well done Clare! You are a master with the needle and the trowel!

  7. Magnificent! What is the pretty little tree with pinkish heart shaped leaves in the foreground of the third photo?

    1. Hi Charlotte. The tree is a Cercidiphyllum japonicum also known as a toffee apple tree because it smells of burnt sugar in the autumn.

  8. Oh your garden is beautiful - so lush and green. Love the vibrancy of new leaves and flowers. My autumn garden now has leaves scattered all over the lawn, bare leaves and lots of shade. I will look forward to seeing more photos througout spring and summer.

  9. Your garden is beautiful Clare, and those tulips are just stunning! I love the layout of your garden too, witht the wide swathe of lawn under the arch and the curved borders. It all looks so lovely.
    I think its good to have a natural blogging break whenever you feel like it, rather than blogging because you feel you ought to.
    Gill xx

  10. Such beautiful pictures. Of all the places I have lived, I often associate flowers with them. In Oklahoma, we had tulips that were such a deep purple they were almost black, and the insides just looked like velvet. I loved them so much. Your red/white ones are stunning.


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dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x