
Thursday 6 February 2014

project thursday ~ fabric cube

     Anyone else feeling the need for a declutter or dehoard?
This persistent rain is making the house feel dank...
....and damp, but lets not dwell on that
I think 2014 is the year to use that stash
and to either get on with upcycling projects
or to move them on to pastures new.
Today's challenge was to cover a shabby ripped blue suede cube.
Rather than this going to landfill
I thought I'd have a go at covering it..
an idea that I have had for at least two years!
After finding some suitable curtain remnants 
I set to it.
I got a rough idea from here
though as you know by now
I am the fudge queen...
so I was as surprised as you that it came out as well as it did!

  I hand stitched the bottom side to the original fabric.
Who knew those binding skills would be so handy?
This is my first attempt at covering anything.
Practise makes perfect they say,
so this may will be repeated with something less dull...
though I am thinking of printing, stencilling or painting
a pattern maybe....and that's another project!
My next project will be to tackle the
scruffy beach hut thing...
decoupage possibly?
Further ahead are my bar stools which I have had forever.
I like the rusty look,
but maybe it's time for a refurb.
Whats your thursday project going to be?


  1. You've done a really neat job on the cube, it looks great!
    The barstool looks comfy and stylish, very French 50s looking somehow, I wonder how you will transform it although it looks pretty good as it is anyway.
    I have another pillowcase to add a crochet trim to for my Thursday project.
    Have a good day Clare!
    Gill xx

  2. the most hateful job of replacing the zip in my husbands jacket. My machine is being so huffy at having to travel over the thick fabric and I'm having to do the more tricky bits by hand :-(
    You did a great job of your stool, I'd much rather have taken on your project instead of mine LOL

  3. I like the decoupage project. These would be fab for pigeon holes for post.
    Well done on the cube, hope you sit with your feet up on it tonight for a well deserved rest!
    Lisa x

  4. Looks very neat! Some vintage fabric and modge podge would make that hut pretty in no time!

  5. Great job Clare and very fitting with your words on the side bar 'it's not what you have it's what you do with it'! My Thursday project was getting on with making herbal sleep pillows. x

  6. You did great! I think I would have been reaching for the stapler. Your finish is very neat! And those bar stools will look great with newly covered seats! My Thursday project ( on a Friday) is getting through the 36C !!!

  7. Ohhhhh! I have an idea for a similar cube, but I need to start from scratch. I need to find out what to stuff it with to make it firm. said it again. Sit with your feet up on your cube and have a piece!

  8. Applique some of your fab EPP work on there!! And the stool cushions too! Great job!

  9. Here! For some weeks now I have a big need to declutter, to sort, to throw away, to organize, to use what I have. I hope that will stay. I enjoy it.

  10. Love what you did to the cube - it now looks chic instead of, well, shabby. Thanks for your comments on my hexie pots - as I sit here typing, my coffee cup is sitting on your aqua coloured hexie coaster, one of the set you made and sent me. The other 3 are on my window sill. I always check that my coffee is not dripping first though ;) I adore your 'economy quilt' below - gorgeous! xCathy


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x