
Tuesday 11 February 2014

poole pottery and me

 With yet another rainy day
I thought I'd take a look back 
at an experience that coloured my life 
and continues to do so.
 The year was 1989 
I was a clueless mature for my age 14 year old
embarking on what we called 
'work experience'....
and culotte wearing it seems!
Three whole weeks spent within the factory
working in every department
from the transfer room to the painting exhibition.
It really was an amazing experience,
unfortunately the pottery as I knew it no longer exists.
I have my memories and my plate.
 The back perhaps not as clever as the front hehe!
 My only regret is not living close enough to work there full time,
because this would have been my ultimate dream job.
 Now I might do a spot of rearranging
with the hope that spring might 
take the hint
and put in an early appearance.


  1. What a lovely memory.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. I love the peek at 1989 Clare! And the Poole pottery is just divine! I hope there are some signs of Spring for you soon!

  3. Oh Clare that is some beautiful pottery! What great work experience! I dig culottes. I remember making some in home ec. Actually might try and make some more at some point!

  4. Oh the days of Culottes!! What a fun memory :-)

  5. Oh my goodness, nightmare memory of the culottes my mother made me... What fabulous work experience, so wish there were more places like that. We go to paint your own pot places frequently, but my daughter is desperate to do the whole thing and use a potter's wheel!

  6. You did that! THAT plate, that is gorgeous!! Your design?
    My daughter had a paint party for a birthday years ago, her painting was so pretty and free and amazing, mine was clunky stilted and boring. I remember how hard it was it think and paint on such a surface, so I am in such awe of your final product. Lol in 1989 I was twice your age so wasn't doing the culottes thing but I have memories of bright jumpers and a silly hairstyle ( mine not yours) .

  7. First of all...what a cutie you are! That pottery is lovely? Did you paint that yourself? What a potter ! And culottes! My mother made me some that were more like a leotard and a bit too short in the body length! Ouch!

  8. I had the most beautiful pair of navy culottes back then (very expensive they were too). Looks like a fun place for work experience though.

  9. That must have been a brilliant few weeks work experience! I love Poole Pottery and some of those designs you have are my favourite patterns - I have a few pieces, some possibly fro the 80s and some from the 50s/60s i think - i have never really looked them up.
    The plate you painted is lovely! How special to have that along with your happy memories.
    Culottes!! I loved em! So pretty and practical!
    Great post Clare!
    Gill xx

  10. Culottes!
    What an amazing work experience that must have been.
    I sold the stuff for a while when I worked in owens!
    Lisa x

  11. What a lovely experience for you Clare. I would love to have had a go at something like that. You never lost your artistic flair did you? x


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Clare x