
Thursday 20 February 2014

favourite blogger giveaway!

These are my last three gift-aways,
now living in their new homes in America Australia and England.
I am making this give away a little different.
I dont have sponsors
my give aways are made with love,
which is why this year I shall not be letting
a piece of software pick a winner.

So in the spirit of sharing
I would like to know your favourite BLOG of the moment.
The one that you can't wait to read,
the one that makes you laugh
or maybe lifts you up.
It could be a lifestyle blog or a fashion blog
it does not have to be a quilty blog.

I'm super excited to see who you come up with.
I know there are some treasures out there
just waiting to be found.
I shall leave this giveaway open until I have found my muse
and then crack on with the gift making xx

*anyone who says selfsewn is immediately disqualified hehe!!
**but please, you do have to be one of my followers x

Entry to giveaway now closed
Results in progress!


  1. I'm going to say "You had me at Bonjour"! Kirsty is a dab hand with the camera and is always sharing her wonderful and creative ideas! It was a close second for "Pieces of Contentment"! Karen also takes fantastic photos of her life up north!

  2. "Yarn Harlot" is totally my fave at the moment. She is a knitter, but a really, really funny lady too!!

  3. My favorite at this moment is Posy gets cozy. She is living a dream of finally having a baby in her life. Her photogaphy and words are amazing. She is also very creative.

  4. I would have to say Erica at because I love what she makes and the sun always seems to be shining in her photos!

  5. So hard to choose as there are so many brilliant blogs out there that I love visiting for different reasons. I do always love coming here of course for your originality, magical mastery of colours and fabric, and for not following the crowds, but I know I'm not allowed to pick you for fear of being disqualified!
    I guess the blog that I keep going back to that always uplifts me, and that has that great combination (to me) of patchwork and crochet, gardens and flowers, and beautifully styled photos, and that always inspires me and inspired me to start a blog in the first place is Mia at Mias Landliv. Always inspiring.
    Have a good day Clare!

  6. I am guessing you are already familiar with the fantastic blog Molly Flanders?! ;) I read a lot of great blogs so check my reading list if you're interested but The Elven Garden and Winding Bobbins always have creative and lovely makes. Blue Mountain Daisy always inspires me too!

  7. My favourite blog is "Attic 24".
    It makes me want to be a "stay-at-home-mum", and be a super mother and great great home-maker.
    This blog is very inspiring. I have started crotcheting since I'm reading this colourful blog.

  8. My favorite blog is Sue Garmen's. She is a very traditional appliquer and quilt designer...which is nothing like what I sew these days but her work is simply gorgeous. She also only posts once a month so I always look forward to it.

  9. I too look forward to Posie Gets Cozy posts, so homey...but for my girly side I enjoy Kristyn's Pretty By Hand. I like her soft pallets, embroideries and pretty little projects....I get her sense of humor too! I'm a happy follower via bloglovn and would treasure a gift made with love by you. xx's

  10. Next to a lot of lovely quiltingblogs like which is always a source of inspirations for me I really love the inputs of Darlenes site about marriage and more.
    I love to follow your blog to through bloglovin'.

  11. Hi Clare! Wonderful idea for a give away! I would like to introduce Helen to you. Her lovely blog is Her posts make me smile and I want always start some little cute projects she makes. Her photos are beautiful with cute things and sweet colours!
    I follow you by Bloglovin and I'm happy to share with you the love of hand quilting! x Teje

  12. I love lucy @ charm about you, Charlotte @ displacement activity and Jess and the elven garden for the same and different reasons. I've pretty much dropped the big American ones I followed when I first started out as they have changed so much.

  13. Jenny Woolf at an English Travel Writer.

  14. Jenny of Elefantz! LOVE her blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. I'm a follower and you may recognize my favorite blog: ! I sign with delight every time I see what she is working on.

  16. Pretty By Hand is one I look forward to everyday, her pictures are just awesome!

  17. Great idea! One of my favorits is Marits Norwegian blog Quilt it. She makes a lot of lovely quilts.

  18. I love Every Stitch blog--such an inspiration! For something different than quilting I always enjoy Pioneer Woman. I know, she has a million followers, but she's funny and her food is fabulous! I'm a Google and Bloglovin' follower. LOVE your blog.:)

  19. Carrie Strine's blog is my favorite these days! Great question for a give away, thanks so much!

  20. Oh shoot! Well, I have to say I have been very inspired by Flossie Teacakes lately. But I am not very good at picking favorites....I love them all!

  21. I am one of your followers :) I really love to read as she is so lovely and sews wonderful things.

  22. I love - Jenny writes so well and always brings a smile to my face!
    Do check her out if you don't know her!
    I'm a GFC follower!

  23. is a blog that I love reading. Rachael does some beautiful work and has a lovely approach to teaching. Quite inspirational.

  24. For me it is a much about finding out more about the person behind the blog as the blog itself. Lucy at Attic24 would have to be a regular spot of inspiration, and I don't even crochet, and I have always admired your creations. I have just discovered Mudlarking, the history and creativity in that is something I enjoy.......and.......and...I get a little from a whole lotta places. It all adds to the rich tapestry of life, don't make me choose a favourite! :-)

  25. I enjoy reading Maureen Cracknell's blog. She has quite an eye for colour.

  26. I never want to miss Monica from Quilt While You're Ahead, and in the decorating department, Freckles Chick.

  27. My favourite for a brilliant sense of humour is Ric Rac, though toy making isn't my thing. For quilting, one of my sewing bee, Julie, has a great blog at Mack and Mabel, where she has been doing some good tutorials lately.

  28. Katy Jones is lovely, and probably my most visited blog, and is always worth reading, amazingly creative woman
    Thanks for your lovely blog and to all the suggestions from everyone, I am checking them out!
    mlv 263 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  29. there are so many wonderful blogs that I read, but my favourites are Jodi at Tickleandhide ( and Heidi at I love how Jodi reflects on her life while she quilts, and she obviously finds quilting so therapeutic, and I love how warm and generous Heidi is and how her love and care for others shines through in her blog.

  30. I hang out to read Quilting is more fun than Housework. I'm enjoying her Scrapolozza posts as she works on reducing her stash with fun and easy quilts to make.

  31. this is my most favorite blog to visit...she is full of so much inspiration and the beautiful things she makes always makes me want to go back again and again....sometimes I visit twice in one day.

  32. I get such a kick out of Susan @

  33. I have a small handful of favourites, but at the moment, the blog I can't wait to open is faeries and fibres, as I am participating in Karens quiltalong. She is a natural teacher, so supportive and helpful, she has a very artistic imagination and suggests some easy-to-do, but effective ideas to make our quilts amazing!

  34. There are a lot of lovely blogs out there, most of my favourites would be quilting blogs. But the one that always makes me feel uplifted is "Above the River" ( She has a lovely look on life, an eye for detail, with an interest in gardening, nature and daily life with her boys, and sets it off with beautiful photography.

  35. 1/4 inch mark is one of my favorite blogs to read. When I see an email from her in my list, I always click on it first. I not only enjoy her quilting style and tutorials, I envy her relationship with her young daughter, admire that she continues her education and moving her little family from country to country. She appreciates the little things in life and makes me stop and smell the roses in my life.

  36. Clare, I just know you would be inspired by Ann's blog called She is a crafter and a gardener, shares links freely and does beautiful photography. She is not self promoting but deserves to share the spotlight with some of the 'people's choice' type of blogs that receive 100's of comments. Please do check out her blog and look at some of her older posts too! x

  37. I love She's funny, honest and makes some amazing clothes for her kids.

  38. I particularly enjoy Penhallow Street ( It is a quiet blog with beautiful art work and every time I visit there a sense of peace comes over me. The author, who I only know through the blog, is very insightful and talented. She is friendly and I have come to look forward to our conversations.

  39. I had to start a bloglovin account so that I could officially follow you and enter. Before I just checked your site every day!
    Favorite Blog is tough... I really love !
    But must mention and , too!
    I might sounds selfish, but I really hope to win!

  40. Hmmm... Don't know if I missedto click thr publish button! My two absolute favourite blogs are Stitched in Color and Cut to Pieces! Tyey were a great inspiration for me when I started quilting, and I still love them!

  41. What a great way to find new and interesting blogs: Some of my weekly must reads are:

    Hope you enjoy looking at all these.

  42. My favorite is She is a wonderful knitter and has a sweet kitty named Loki that she shows on every post. Thanks

  43. Two of my current favourites are Victoria at 15minutesplay (her 'made fabric' might be a great way to use up some of your Liberty scraps?) and Kessa in Stitches; she's a knitter rather than quilter, but does lots of crafty things and wonderful recipes, and also gives a great flavour of life in Finlans!

  44. I have to say I'm A Ginger Monkey is my most favorite blog

  45. I love Anna Emilias Blog from Finland. She's a great artist.

  46. - love this blog, a busy mum who sews in her shed, admits when she has done something wrong, shares tutorials, free patterns and isn't too skilled to be intimidating but plenty skilled to be inspiring

  47. <-- Love this blog & the blogger! She's my twin sister & it's always fun to read her blog for inspiration :)

  48. This was a great idea! I've already gone and checked out a few of the favorites. This comes at a time when I feel rather down about blogging. Maybe I just need a break, but finding some new (to me) blogs has been very inspirational!
    Lately I have been spending a lot of time at Down to Earth (Australia). Go there for gardening, raising chickens,knitting, crocheting, making your own soap, sustainable living and great tips for taking care of your home, the way our grandmothers did it. I just made her recipe for Whole Orange Cake for the third time, and it's now one of my favorites.
    Also I enjoy "Small Things". Talk about an inspiration. A talented knitter, she raises 7 children (home schooled), in a house of less than 2000 square feet. Her photography is beautiful, and I have tried several of her book recommendations, all good. They even keep bees!

  49. The two blogs that are my first" reads" of the day are Lucy at" Attic 24", and John Greys "Going Gently." After beginning to read Lucys' blog I found my crochet hooks again, taught my daughter to crochet. Between us we have made blankets for ourselves, new babies in family, amongst many other projects. "Going Gently" is one mans very hectic life in a small North Wales village; he is a nurse works mainly night shifts. During the day he looks after an ever increasing population of dogs ,sheep, chickens ducks,and a turkey called Boris!! He is very funny most of the time; sometimes he can write things that really make you think about this funny old world and the people in it.
