Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
I'm having lots of fun working through my old heavy weave fabrics;
old curtains..a denim skirt etc.
I was going for a lonestar pattern
but then realised they have 8 points.
With this colour combination I think it looks
more native American.
*Just realised that if I am to make this a big star quilt it will be
**This wasnt my plan....uh-oh!!
Thursday, 20 February 2014
favourite blogger giveaway!
These are my last three gift-aways,
now living in their new homes in America Australia and England.
I am making this give away a little different.
I dont have sponsors
my give aways are made with love,
which is why this year I shall not be letting
a piece of software pick a winner.
So in the spirit of sharing
I would like to know your favourite BLOG of the moment.
The one that you can't wait to read,
the one that makes you laugh
or maybe lifts you up.
It could be a lifestyle blog or a fashion blog
it does not have to be a quilty blog.
I'm super excited to see who you come up with.
I know there are some treasures out there
just waiting to be found.
I shall leave this giveaway open until I have found my muse
and then crack on with the gift making xx
*anyone who says selfsewn is immediately disqualified hehe!!
**but please, you do have to be one of my followers x
Entry to giveaway now closed
Results in progress!
now living in their new homes in America Australia and England.
I am making this give away a little different.
I dont have sponsors
my give aways are made with love,
which is why this year I shall not be letting
a piece of software pick a winner.
So in the spirit of sharing
I would like to know your favourite BLOG of the moment.
The one that you can't wait to read,
the one that makes you laugh
or maybe lifts you up.
It could be a lifestyle blog or a fashion blog
it does not have to be a quilty blog.
I'm super excited to see who you come up with.
I know there are some treasures out there
just waiting to be found.
I shall leave this giveaway open until I have found my muse
and then crack on with the gift making xx
*anyone who says selfsewn is immediately disqualified hehe!!
**but please, you do have to be one of my followers x
Entry to giveaway now closed
Results in progress!
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
liberty shell
Friday, 14 February 2014
Kindness Is Super Sweet
Which is why this heart belongs to a
Lovely Inspirational Silly Armadillo.
My favourite fabric sponsor.
I have been spoilt once more by my sweet friend
across the pond Mary
Mary Makes....
the most exquisite gifts.
This needle case came with some Mary needles,
fingers crossed that they work their magic on me!
Thank you all for your comments regarding Liberty fabric.
I apologise for my illusions of grandeur
regarding a 'pickled clamshell'
I don't have the patience of a saint
so I'm just sticking to a basic clamshell quilt.
Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
February will always be my month for giving.
So come back Thursday
for my Grand Giveaway!
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
pretty please!
Okay time to slap my wrist...
take back everything I've said about
fabrics not needing to be pretty.
These are of course Liberty prints.
Truth be told I'm a recent convert.
I always thought the designs to be twee
and the fineness of the fabric
too flimsy.
After a naughty purchase from that online website
I must confess to being completely bowled over by their beauty.
These are my favourites.
There are 76 squares
so double the size of the above.
I do love them in simple rows,
but wheres the sewing enjoyment for me?
No I shall be doing these justice with a lovely hand pieced project.
I have been searching through my books and online.
I know I want to make the most of each piece.
Hexagons would be the obvious choice
but I have already made a big hexagon quilt.
I want a challenge.
I began to think of a clamshell design and stumbled upon
the pickled clamshell
which I have seen on Barbara Brackman's blog
I think I shall need some practise before I commit.
I am a little worried about stitching together
the tana lawns with a different weight plain cotton.
Can anyone please offer their experience with the clamshell or Liberty fabric?
Am I mad to try the clamshell?
Am I mad to try the clamshell?
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
poole pottery and me
With yet another rainy day
I thought I'd take a look back
at an experience that coloured my life
and continues to do so.
The year was 1989
I was a clueless mature for my age 14 year old
embarking on what we called
'work experience'....
and culotte wearing it seems!
Three whole weeks spent within the factory
working in every department
from the transfer room to the painting exhibition.
It really was an amazing experience,
unfortunately the pottery as I knew it no longer exists.
I have my memories and my plate.
The back perhaps not as clever as the front hehe!
My only regret is not living close enough to work there full time,
because this would have been my ultimate dream job.
Now I might do a spot of rearranging
with the hope that spring might
take the hint
and put in an early appearance.
and put in an early appearance.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
economy 'block' drive
that's what I love about vintage quilts.
With this economy block quilt top
I tried my best not to be too choosy,
selecting fabrics for their tonal values
rather than colour.
I must remember that this quilt is made mainly from scraps.
I could spend forever switching blocks around
and still not be happy....
it is what it is.
I think 2014 is the year to sew from the stash...
don't get me wrong I LOVE fabric
just not keen on wasting funds on new fabrics when it's not necessary....
Thank goodness then
that I bought a stack of Liberty squares
before my economy drive...
I am allowing myself a little prettiness to play with this year!
ps. taking pictures in gale force wind is fun
hehe xx
hehe xx
Thursday, 6 February 2014
project thursday ~ fabric cube
Anyone else feeling the need for a declutter or dehoard?
This persistent rain is making the house feel dank...
I think 2014 is the year to use that stash
and to either get on with upcycling projects
or to move them on to pastures new.
Today's challenge was to cover a shabby ripped blue suede cube.
Rather than this going to landfill
I thought I'd have a go at covering it..
an idea that I have had for at least two years!
After finding some suitable curtain remnants
I set to it.
I got a rough idea from here
though as you know by now
I am the fudge queen...
so I was as surprised as you that it came out as well as it did!
I hand stitched the bottom side to the original fabric.
Who knew those binding skills would be so handy?
This is my first attempt at covering anything.
Practise makes perfect they say,
so this may will be repeated with something less dull...
though I am thinking of printing, stencilling or painting
a pattern maybe....and that's another project!
My next project will be to tackle the
scruffy beach hut thing...
decoupage possibly?
Further ahead are my bar stools which I have had forever.
I like the rusty look,
but maybe it's time for a refurb.
Whats your thursday project going to be?
Whats your thursday project going to be?
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
the economy is growing!
I am getting to grips with the economy beast.
After hearing nightmare stories
I was worried about how this part would work out...if at all.
Fortunately for me inaccuracy is my default when machine sewing.
I say fortunately because I already know
this wont be perfection
and as my Mum said last year something
about the importance of being average,
on the whole my inaccuracies are spread averagely throughout this quilt.
Therefore with some fudge allowance (mmm fudge)
I am managing to sew pretty much carefree.
(by this I mean the points don't meet perfectly)
My lack of machining perfection is out weighed surely by my enthusiasm?
ps. Accuracy is the real reason why I prefer English paper piecing.
pps. Please tell me I am not the only one who shouts 'NO!!!' out loud at their machine?
ppps. I used Crazy Mom Quilts measurements,
which makes the block 8.5 inches approx.
pppps. When I clicked the spellchecker
I had spelt inaccuracy wrong twice
oh the irony!
Final thought.
The man is downstairs fitting our new boiler
making all manner of headache inducing smells,
so I've barricaded myself in here
keeping myself busy.
Final thought.
The man is downstairs fitting our new boiler
making all manner of headache inducing smells,
so I've barricaded myself in here
keeping myself busy.
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