
Wednesday 11 September 2013

piggie in the middle

Once upon a time there were two friends Mary and Susan.
Both were talented crafters with great taste...
but as they lived so far apart how could they ever meet?
This is where the piggie* part comes in.
*the piggie being me!
Okay so they aren't here in person
but their goods do get to mingle here at my house!
 The first surprise to arrive was from Susan in Australia.
We have a shared love of brown 'n' colour
I love how it ties everything together.
My favourite piece is the heavily quilted fabric tub
made from an old tea-towel,
it's just my thing!
Thank you Susan for getting me out of my funk x
 And then along came these American beauties.
Mary always picks such wonderful things.
The little labels were used within moments
as I had just made jam.
I haven't sewn much this year
but I think I could get used to precuts!
Thank you Mary you are a sweetheart x
 The little verbena magnet
found its home in my printers tray.
I do feel like a little piggie
with all these lovely gifts.
With them all gathered here
I am amazed how well they sit together.
A meeting of generous generous minds x
*recognise my hairband Susan?


  1. Smiling....smiling....smiling! My dearest wish is that we get to meet in the real world one day, dear Clare! I love your printer's tray; I have always wanted one of those!

  2. Lovely things go to lovely people.
    I love the little bracelet, so sweet!
    Shall we try and meet up on October?
    I have boring stuff like car MOT and dentist on my days off over the rest of this month and a pre-arranged date with a friend. So October is looking the best bet, how does that sound?
    Lisa x

  3. Lovely gifts from lovely far off friends.

  4. wonderful parcels, perfect to cheer you day!

  5. Darn! Susan beat me to the first comment spot! Grrrrr!!!! You are hardly a piggie...but I think being in the middle may mean you have to be hostess in the middle someday! Hee hee! We love you dear Clare...and now I am so sad because you will not see this until tomorrow.

  6. I have them both in my house too Clare and a few other friends - that's what I love about this community! Well done for bringing them together!

  7. These connections are so special, aren't they? And the photos are just lovely too. I'm glad you like my mantelpiece - we're still doing lots of gazing at it!

  8. Wonderful pressies and I love how those hexies look together too! :) x


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x