
Wednesday 26 June 2013

the snowday quilt reveal

   I made a pouff~ee quilt!
That's all I was thinking when taking my photographs this morning.
Sunshine, a camera and a pouff~ee quilt
can be a tricky combination
when trying to take pretty pictures.
See my first ever hold up picture below.
(I call this a pouff~ee quilt because the (john lewis) wadding 
is thicker than the usual heirloom I normally use.)
Before you are dazzled by my over indulgent snaps
I should let you know that this quilt 
was hand pieced 
with vintage sheets
and is unbelievably soft...
Okay go!

You may remember the beginnings of this quilt 
back in January...back when we had snow!
Thankfully the weather is a little better today
but only just!!
I actually finished hand quilting this quilt last month,
it was put aside as I couldn't decide on the binding.
I originally considered a yellow stripe...
but couldn't get the idea of
 yellow snow
out of my mind!
So with the up most of laziness
I struck upon an idea
to bind
 by way of rolling the backing and stitching it down to the front.
Its the second time I've used this technique,
and whilst its a little unorthodox,
 binding a epp quilt can be tricky
especially if you have points that you don't want to chop off.
This way you have control of the binding edge.

It's completely hand pieced
using the English paper piecing method.
and measures 50" x 42"
not huge..but a nice throw size.

I'm so glad you stuck around
for the reveal.
An epp quilt evolves over time...
I like the slower pace
one which I shall be following from now on.

My goal for this year is to finish up my wips (works in progress)
and begin a BIG rose star quilt.
I have a plan
I'm looking forward to sharing it with you xx


  1. Absolutely beautiful!! Such a great name and it looks so snuggly!
    BIG rose star?!! How exciting!!

  2. It's lovely! Great photos.

  3. Well it is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us. Di x

  4. Really beautiful... lovely contrasting sides and just love the subtly of the bluey/purples!! Cx

  5. I love it Clare, it's understated and gorgeous. The vintage fabrics are perfect.
    I've linked to your geranium post today...hope you don't mind.
    Jacquie x

  6. It's amazing, the work that's gone into it! I love the idea of hand stitching, maybe I will do that, the idea of machine stitching, especially with Clarice being as temperamental scares me! :) x

  7. It is gorgeous and looks very cuddly. All you need is another snow day now. Oh, and I have garden envy.

  8. It's so beautiful and puffy! I love those big stars and snowy colours and hand quilting! x Teje

  9. Beautiful!! I love the 'backing around to the front' binding. The pink brings out the subtle mauve/pink in the florals! Your garden is just what I imagine an English garden to be!

  10. Love the graphic qualities of this quilt. And I too appreciate the slow unfurling of a pieced quilt. And I love your garden. And I love the snow. And I wil shut up now!

  11. You have a lovely, organized garden! I'm afraid mine started that way, but became a crowded cottage garden instead. Oh well, the rose still smell great. Love the colored thread quilting too.

  12. Do you have any suggestions on how to make large template pieces? I would love to do an EPP project with large pieces, maybe even a large Rose Star quilt. Maybe? Who am I kidding?! I definitely wanna do a huge Rose Star quilt! haha :)

  13. Well done! The hexagons are humongous; I love it!

  14. A beautiful quilt Clare, ideal for snuggling into on a snowy day, hopefully a long way off just yet though.

  15. So pretty Clare! Looks very soft and snuggly... Congrratulations on the finish.
    ; )

  16. the quilt is divine~ but what I really love is the pic of you standing in your garden..
    Looking forward to seeing what you do with your Rose Stars.

  17. Lovely! The scale is perfect and the colors are just beautiful together.

  18. Beautiful! I love the soft colors and the puffy look of it. Another rose star? That's how we met! Can't wait to see what you have planned. :-)

  19. So lovely to see it finished!! You did a beautiful job. I love it. And it's poufee-ness. :-)

  20. This is so pretty! Congrats on a great finish!

  21. This quilt is just gorgeous, Clare! Your name for the quilt is perfect. I love seeing a project that has taken time and devotion to finish.

  22. It's stunning Clare! Such an impact design with the white and soft blue floral - well done!
    Gill xx

  23. Hurray! I can so imagine how soft and squishy it is. Delish! A snow day in June is definitely a treat.

  24. Absolutely beautiful Clare! Love the quilting x

  25. You are so right! How could I have missed this post? I am amazed at the size of your EPP blocks. I think it takes even more control when the pieces get larger. The thicker batting works well with this quilt. I remember in the 80's we used a lot of pouffeee batting!!! In fact, everything was pouffeee....batting, hair, shoulder pads! Love the hand quilting :)

  26. There is nothing more soft than a vintage sheet quilt. This is beautiful Clare. You've done it again. Blown me away with your fabulous hand quilting. Aaaahhhhh
    My Rose Valley

  27. It looks so beautiful.
    Grit from Germany

  28. Lovely and cute quilt you have here. I am sure this isn’t easy to sew. It is very conventional as what you have been showing here. It has lots of ways to use and I love how creative you are in doing it. It really is a great job for you here.

    Please visit My Webblog


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x