
Friday 31 May 2013

have a little patience

Gardening is a waiting game
and boy have we waited this year.
The current plant that has me pacing
is the iris in the first picture.
This is my first foray into bearded iris's
The one pictured is supposed to be
Iris Germanica ~ pale blue
somehow I think I have something different.
Wanna sit it out with me?

My heart flutters when favourite gardeners say selfsown on television x
forgot to tell you that I have bought two new roses
a lilac climber called veilchenblau
and an old shrub rose called rosa mundi

*geranium ballerina
rosa souvenir du docteur jamain
aquilegia selfsown


  1. Oh, your flowers AND your photos are beautiful! I hope the Iris flowers long and boldly- now matter what colour it is!

  2. Happy to wait along with you. Love those bearded irises. My first big fat lupin is out (miracle!) The roses are just blooming, too. About time!
    Hen x

  3. Oh, it's so exciting waiting for new flowers to open! Can't wait to see it!

  4. I love your photo of the rose bud. Soon you'll have even more beautiful flowers to share in all their glory.

  5. I think selfs own gardens are the best, don't you! :) x

  6. I do love a plant that self seeds ;o)

  7. Beautiful flowers.
    Such excitement waiting for them to burst into full bloom.
    Lisa x

  8. Lovely flowers! My iris has been blooming for a couple of weeks now. The flowers have been spectacular this Spring. I will come sit in your garden :)


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
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dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x