
Thursday 25 April 2013

garden chit chat

 Let this be the first of many garden chit chats on the blog!
As is now usual with me
I have had my 360 degree spin of horror moment in the garden.
The moment when I
and then just crack on with it!
I have become accustomed to it now, so lets put that one to bed
(for another year)
and look at the pretty things.
The above are snakes head fritillarys
a gift from a friend,
I wasnt sure they would make it through the winter
but they did!
That said I have lost a number of plants this year
the first being ALL of my lupins
see here for last years show.
Our garden is on clay
so when it rains the beds become lakes..
I guess lupins can only take so much.
Also lost are all my echinacea, a euphorbia, a penstemon and 
quite possibly my catmint.
Thank goodness for the selfsowns!

 A year on from our pond dig and things are getting established
though I have decided to let this area become ungardened  wild.

Bird Cam
Ever felt like you were being watched?
This is how I do it
weeding that is..
keep it real x


  1. Fritillaries are one of my favs! Followed by primroses!

    I think I could do your style of weeding Clare! Great view on the bird cam!

  2. I'm not sure what my casualties are yet, haven't dared look too closely, I'd love to be able to grow lupine but they just don't flourish, the snails and slugs might have a hand in this! :) x

  3. So pretty! Our magnolia is out - the only amazing thing in the garden - feels like spring has really sprung!

  4. I am a totally crap gardener. Probably because I don't enjoy it. I like cutting things back, don't mind cutting grass, and am fond of growing herbs and then some flowers in pots as they are easily controlled/replaced. Sad, but true.

  5. I spent all of the weekend in my garden: doing the annual massive big tidy up! Just need it to warm up a lot and then I can start adding some colour

  6. Wow, that tulip doesn't even look real. I've never seen a checkered tulip!

  7. Yay for the selfsowns indeed :-) My friend calls them "volunteer" plants. I love it! Our best tomato plant was a volunteer from the compost bin last year. Our soil is heavy clay, too. We dug out 8" to 12" of it in all of the garden beds about four years ago and put in lovely compost and mixed it all together. There's still so much clay, though. Definitely not all plants are up to the challenge.

  8. I have clay soil like yours, Roses is the answer, all mine came from Poundland and woolworths before that and they love they thrive wonderfully.
    My mum used to selfsewn plants flowers from heaven.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  9. I love a bit of garden chit chat, especially as I've made this the year of the garden - not sure if I've declared war on it or am trying to make friends...I'll let you know!

  10. Oh dear that's a few losses because of the awful weather, love those flowers in the first picture though, so dainty.
    Lisa x

  11. Oh no! Lupins are the best. I want to plant lupins this year. In Sweden they grow wild on the side of high ways. I've always loved them. Yours were so high, big and proud. I am sorry for your loss. I should really get out there and crawl around on all fours as well... But hey, it is STILL raining. Things are starting to move here though. My annuals (is that what they are called when they come back every year???) are growing big this year which makes me very happy. I might actually get a bit of prettiness going on in my garden. Not to bad for a beginner with a middle name called "Plant killer".
    Hey hi ho. Keep weeding.
    My Rose Valley


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dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x