
Wednesday 20 February 2013

giving..a little bit of my love to you

 Well my friends
it's been a year since I changed my name and blog
 from summerfete to selfsewn.
It is actually my fifth year blogging,
some folks have come and gone
but for those of you who have stuck with me
I have been recreating a mini summer of love
 english paper pieced quilt to giveaway
as a token of my appreciation.
I had forgotten how much I love colour balancing.
Never be afraid to revisit
especially if it's one so beloved.
If you would like the chance to win 
a little love
all you have to do is follow my blog
and leave me a comment.
This giveaway is a work in progress,
so will be open for a while
though I'm thinking it will be my first finish of 2013.

Like my summer of love quilt
the fabrics I've used are a mix of old and new
but mainly old..
It's not what you've got, it's what you do with it!

Giveaway now closed


  1. Ooh it's beautiful! Love the colours you have used :) I think the spots are my favourite! xx

  2. I'm so glad I found you and the rose star blog party! Congratulations on your anniversary :-D

  3. Gorgeous!! Loving the fussy cut butterflies - perfection!!

  4. What a beautiful piece! Happy blogiversary! I love following along with all of your projects

  5. That's a great line -- it's not what you have, but what you do with it. I've been playing with diamond shapes too, but stalled on connecting my stars. Thanks for showing us your project, and I'd love to win it.

  6. I love your blog and follow you using Bloglovin'. Thanks for the giveaway-- it is beautiful!

  7. You're giving this AWAY???????!!!!!!! That is one mighty generous gift Clare !! This is such a pretty top! I am drawn to that butterfly and brown spots block And I love your philosophy- it's not you have but what you do with it! Amazing......

  8. I really enjoy reading your blog and moved from the old name to the new. You and the summer of love quilt got me started on paper piecing which I enjoy albeit much slower than you.

  9. I love the quilt. Its gorgeous
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  10. Oh wow, I love how you're matching up your stripes and those fussy cut butterflies! Very beautiful!!

    Happy Blogiversary!!

  11. Its beautiful, my favorite is the stripey piece which shows how much work goes into these! I have just spotted the butterflies- gorgeous! Sarah x

  12. Happy Blogiversary! I found your previous blog a few weeks before you switched. I switched along too and continue to enjoy your work. You inspire me to think about trying EEP. Thank you!

  13. Oh my goodness it's beautiful and it is so great to make another version of something that was so successful and incredibly gorgeous first time around. You are an inspiration to us all. xxx

  14. Wow! Such a lovely, personal giveaway. I love your piecing, and your writing, and am happy to be here reading you. You inspire me all the time. Thank you.

  15. Beautiful! I don't know how you can bear to part with it!
    Thank you

  16. Hi! Happy anniversary! Your quilt is so beautiful and has a perfect name! Are you quite sure you can apart it? I'm happy I found you while ago and since then I follow you by blogger. I haven't made much paper piecing but I have made one quilt using big diamonds like yours (only my stars are in different order). It's still under quilting and I made it from men's shirts.
    Sunny wishes from Greece! x Teje

  17. this mini-in-progress is just as beautiful as the original Summer of Love! {which I completely adore} the orange striped star is so perfect! I very happily follow your blog :) Happy Blogiversary!

  18. Happy blogiversary! I love to follow and read your posts! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for the precious give away! Who would not love to own such a beautiful quilt! Wow!

  19. I am so in!! How wonderful of you to share your very own art. I would follow you anywhere!!

  20. Is it really a year? I've loved your 'Summer of Love' since I first saw it over at Summerfete. What a gorgeous giveaway.

  21. I continue to be amazed at your creativity, the beautiful quilts you make. Quilting is something I tried once, a hand pieced one and I'm ashamed to say I still haven't finished it after many years.
    Anne xx

  22. beautiful! i love your work. :) thanks for the chance to win something so awesome. (i follow your blog through bloglovin.)

  23. This is going to be stunning when it is finished. I love doing EPP and am a bit of an obsessive with it, I particularly like your fussy cut butterflies.

  24. I've been following your blog since I found your beautiful summer love quilt. I thoroughly enjoy it and your honest style.

  25. It's a real pleasure to follow your blogs -old and new- and a constant inspiration ;>)
    WOW this is such a wonderful giveaway, so special ! I just have to try my luck on this cutie... now crossing my fingers AND toes I might be the lucky, lucky winner !
    Good luck to all participants ;>)

  26. Wow, so glad you made the other post telling me to come follow you here! Your work is beautiful! I'll follow you here rather than there

  27. Beautiful! It would look great on my couch! :- ). Glad you are blogging, always love the visit.

  28. I can't believe it's been a year since the move. That seems unreal. I sent an EPP newbie, Jacqueline, your way to have her mind blown. She confirmed, mission accomplished ;-)

  29. This is on my "to do" list but I would love a chance to win yours. I love the butterfly and spots block. It's my fav.

  30. Gorgeous!! I love Selfsewn - great blog! I have subscribed and I'm commenting so I hope I'm in with a chance to win that v.v.v.v. pretty loveliness!

  31. Hello! :) Loving this quilt! Beautifully worked.
    Congrats on your milestone in new blog :) I'm a new follower of yours, and I really enjoy reading your blog!
    I'm in for a giveaway :) Thanks for organizing it!

  32. I just found your blog through pinterest this month, but I love it so much! You do a wonderful job and are truly I spring! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  33. Congrats on your anniversary. What an amazing giveaway - it's absolutely stunning and thank you for the chance to win.

  34. Congrats on your new blogaversary. Love the colours you've used. I follow your blog and love all the english paper piecing you do

  35. Are you sure you want to give that gorgeous quilt to someone else? Yes? Then I hope it comes to me ;o) Congratulations on your anniversary, I'm so glad Nicky pointed me in the direction of your blog!

  36. Goodness! It hardly seems a year since you made the transformation! Loved the old blog and I love the new one!!! Your paper piecing is amazing! You have so much to work with...I am sure we have many more years of wonderful Clare projects!

  37. Clare, this is lovely! Adore the butterflies. Congratulations on your first five years of blogging ; )

    and hope for many more....

  38. I have been following your blog for quite a while.I blame you for my addiction to EPP addiction. I love it. I always enjoy seeing your sewing.

  39. I am a follower of your blog and have been for a while. Your little quilt is lovely and it would have a good home if I was lucky enough to win. Thanks for the chance.

  40. Congrats on 5 years!
    I love your blog and have been slowly working on my rose star following your tutorial...which of course started my love of EPP!
    Thanks for the chance to win such a beauty!

  41. Have been following you for the last year, since you made the switch and am doing a summer of love of my own but in florals, it's not EPP though just hand pieced. I am going to EPP a hexagon quilt this summer though . Love your quilts and would get loads of inspiration if l was lucky to be a winner

  42. Summer love certainly caught my eye and made me a follower! I still love it and your beautiful multi-coloured label! Yeah to many more years of blogging and making awesomely beautiful things!

  43. I'm a follower of your blog and find it so inspiring, thanks for the giveaway, like everyone else I'd love to win :) sorry you lost followers on the changeover, the same thing happened to me, but I havent recovered nearly as many as you

  44. It looks gorgeous! I love your blog and thank you so so so much for your fabulous tutorials and starting my love of EPP - still working on my rose stars :)

  45. I adore your blog! I've been following for a while via blog lovin, but just joined via GFC. I always find such wonderful inspiration in your posts and images.

  46. Thank you for such a generous giveaway, your work is beautiful (and so inspiring for someone like me learning to quilt)

  47. My daughter is an aspiring quilter, but with two very active little boys, finds it difficult to make time for it these days. She would love your quilt, and perhaps it would inspire her to realize it's important to take time for ourselves now and then. Thank you so much for your generous offer!

  48. What an awesome giveaway! I've been a follower of your blog for a while and always enjoy seeing what you're up to. Thanks for all the inspiration over the years :)

  49. I thought I'd commented, so I'm sorry if this comes through twice! I started doing EPP last year and have learned so much from your blog, though I still haven't finished anything!

  50. I followed you then and I follow you now so faithful am I. I love your little quilt and I think you have given me the answer to my basting and quilting issues - think smaller and more manageable!

    Pomona x

  51. Felicidades!Venho te seguindo por um tempo,adorei sua ideia de sorteio,algo feito por você.Estou no

  52. Love your blog, I joined awhile ago and now I see you making this really beautiful quilt. Thanks for chance to win.

  53. I follow you via my feedreader. The mini will be wonderful.

  54. Congratulations on the anniversary! I've followed you for over 2.5 years now and you are a constant source of inspiration. Many thanks for showing that fussy cutting was worth it & makes such beautiful end products, at a time when I was getting started & everyone I knew was telling me my obsession with fussy cutting was somewhat OCD; you gave me the impetus to keep going.

    You really are an exceptional talent, Clare, thank you so much for sharing it with us x

  55. thank you for the chance! I'm a follower

  56. It's a lovely quilt your making! I would love to take a chance to winn it!

  57. Gorgeous piece! Congrats on your Blogversary!

  58. I have been a follower for a few months and you inspired my desire to try English paper pieacing. I would love to have this beauty to hang as a momentous from a mentor.

  59. what a beautiful bit of love.
    So many people hoping that we are the lucky one.
    mary jo

  60. I love your original like this. It would be fabulous to win this little version.

  61. I Just love your blog and those butterflies are awesome

  62. Such a beautiful quilt and such a beautiful idea. Really enjoy your blog and keeping my fingers crossed that I win your beautiful quilt.

  63. I'm new to your blog but I'm in love already. I <3 paper piecing!

  64. Hello dear. Am I to late??? I want to play Give Away. This is a beautiful piece and would look lovely above a little boys bed when he dreams of taking off 3-2-1 in a rocket out in Universe to watch the stars and put his foot on the moon.

    Like your quote... I should make a wall hanging with that sentence and look at it now when all my fabric finally is in order after months of hysteria... Got so much, want to buy more - can I justify it? No, Maybe it is time for a challenge of the year - It's not what you've got - it's what you do with it.
    My Rose Valley

  65. That is one super pretty piece of piecing. xxx

  66. Your giveaway is so generous, thank you for the chance to win something beautiful that you have made! Your work is always inspiring, I really appreciate your "indie" approach and attitude :)

  67. I loved it from the first block! it would be wonderful to arrive to me in Italy! congratulations to all! continues kisses

  68. I'm just getting started with EPP, I thought I'd never want to do this, how we change! I'll be following you for inspiration.Thanks for the chance to win such a gorgeous piece!

  69. Someone's going to be really fortunate winning your amazing quilt! Fingers crossed it'll be me :D Thank you so much for sharing your creativity through your blog!

  70. How pretty. Love what you've done with what you had!

  71. Please, please, pretty please....stunning! :) x

  72. II would love to be the winner, as much as all of the other entrants. I came here via Pinterest after seeing an elegant diagram on paper belonging to you. I love what I've seen, and will be following your blog. Paper piecing seems like you could control placement of stripes, motifs, provided one knows good technique. Which obviously, you do! I'm impressed and smitten with the results! Jo

  73. Oh wow, how lovely! Your blog is great - thanks for all the happiness/inspiration.

  74. Please enter me. I love everything you create!! Love your little hexagon pincushions!!

  75. great job, love the colors, the butterflies are too cute

  76. Congratulations. The quilt is lovely, with my favourite hexies. I enjoy reading your blog.

  77. Aren't you kind my dear, thank you for the chance to win. Carry on and please keep your inspirations going. We most definitely enjoy.

  78. I probably don't qualify, as I've literally just found you, but wanted to say how pretty your work is! I'll definately be back!

  79. I hope I'm not too late I just wanted to pop by to say how much I enjoy reading your blog and your beautiful garden and your thrifty finds and best of all the quilts you make. I hope one day we can sit together and chat away about stuff

  80. Oh, I say, what a wonderful gift! I have high hopes that your quilts are antiques of the future - (Homes and Antiques has a column of that name... perhaps we should suggest you to them?) I often think of you when I look at my collection of (mostly inferior) old quilts - no fussy cutting on them!

  81. I am just coming to the end of my very first try at EPP, got the kit from You at the New Milton fayre before xmas!!! Am loing it and cant wait to start another project very soon!!

  82. Well, I am now a new follower, and am just so impressed that you are giving such a generous gift. It makes me want to do the same! Although, I am not sure anyone would want one of my freebies! lol.

    Your blog is great. I, too, wonder what future generations will think of my quilts, and if they will still be cherished.

  83. I'm not sure I could give away something so beautiful. X

  84. That is one beautiful wee quilt! I am a follower and love seeing what wonders that you create and also a big thank you for all of the great tutorials you have shared with us too! Congratulations on 5 years of bloging!

  85. Your quilting always astounds me! The pattern, fabric choice, and quilting is beautiful. I love following your blog and seeing your creations.

  86. I love the stained glass effect, beautiful

  87. Just found your blog and glad I did! So I am definitely a new follower!!!

  88. Oh i just love it! It's so so so so charming.

  89. Gorgeous!!! You are going to make someone very happy!!

  90. Beautiful quilt. I enjoy reading your blog. Di x

  91. That quilt is beautiful! I love the butterflies! Thank you for the chance to win and congrats on 5 yrs!!

  92. Your blog is totally new to me. I am now following you. I love love love the english paper pieceing. Oh my goodness the quilt is gorgeous. There is a ton of hard work gone into it. Thank you for a chance to enter the giveaway. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  93. I love using thrifted fabrics in my quilts. I like the idea of making something new from something old. Beautiful quilt.

  94. The quilt is just stunning! The fabric combinations are unique and work so well together! awolk at rogers dot com

  95. This is gorgeous and is inspiring me to try some EPP.

  96. Wow,can't believe you are giving this away,so beautiful,lots of love and work in it.This is so generous of you and I could easily miss it if you didn't put reminder.Amazing giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.

  97. How beautiful...I love all the fussy cutting!! I've pp hexagon but not diamonds.This definitely makes me want to try! VERY generous giveaway!
    I know whomever wins will love it as much as I am sure you do!

  98. I adore your hand piecing, and would loveto have a bit of your work to call mine! So sweet to make it to give away!

  99. What fabulous colours and I love the idea that you have recycled as well as used new fabrics in combination. I haven't tried EPP yet so am going to add that to my bucket list as well! Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Jocelyn
