
Monday 10 December 2012

country living?

Well I can dream can't I?
You know the part in 'Elf'
where Buddy decorates the store big time...
that's me when I decorate our tree.
More is more right?
See that lovely Christmas cushion.
It's a giveaway gift that I won 
from one of my favourite bloggers
(more to come on that)
If you like my blog
you'll love Annette's.

loving decorating my tree from my own stock!!
photo was created via picmonkey


  1. I love it! Dream on... you never know! Happy Christmas.

  2. Your house is looking beautifully festive! Love it all.

  3. I was like...what??! Love everything...especially that wreath.

  4. Your tree looks fab, as does that fantastic cushion! :)

  5. ha ha, just watching Elf and the bit where he decorates the store

  6. Your tree is fabulously festive.
    Lisa x

  7. Ha ha ha!!! I was just wondering... I haven't seen this front page on Country Living yet, I must have missed it and then I saw my pillow and just couldn't get things right in my head still... How on earth did this happen???

    You are so funny. Looks delightful! The pillow has absolutely found its home. So happy to see that. And I adooooore your little Dala horse in the tree. I WANT ONE!And I often preach for less is more but when it is about Christmas it should for sure be extra of everything!!!
    PS I was going to add a bunch of hearts but it doesn't work on my computer today... Hmmph. Heart!!!

  8. I had to read all the comments before I caught on! Aren't you the clever one , designing your own magazine cover! Your beautiful decorating should be in a magazine!!!

  9. This is a super cute idea! And it totally looks like a magazine spread!

  10. It looks so authentic! And certainly could be true! Lovely decorations!

  11. Wow Claire, you had me going! I thought you'd hit the big time, lol!


  12. Oh and btw - Elf is my favorite and my best x-mas movie!!! Yay! Baby its cold outside...

  13. Very clever of you to have made your own magazine pages! Great cushion to win!

  14. That's so cool! And clever. Love it.

    Love your patchwork decoration too. :)

  15. More is most definitely best! I used every last decoration in my stash to decorate the tree this year; I even added angel hair! I spent 3 hours getting everything out and decorating the tree!. I love the colours on yours and I really like the candy cane heart on your header.
    Jo :)

  16. I got so confused then - it really does look like a spread from country living magazine! Loving the tree and the star garland on the fireplace. And everyone knows I've got a soft spot for a gingerbread man! Xx


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Clare x