
Wednesday 14 November 2012


..or etsy as most of you will know it by.
I'm only gonna blinking well do it girls!
Don't expect miracles,
I will probably, for want of a better word
and as procrastinate is so last year,
fart about a bit
worry about posting world wide
and generally stuff things up.
 If you can offer me any morsel of insight into
the online selling world
I would be eternally grateful,
and maybe even hold a giveaway
to celebrate.
In the words of Dottie Angel 'I do have high hopes'
and praying I do not turn into an omnishambles*

*oxford word of the year.

ps. dont go looking for me yet,
I've got to sort stock out,
expect patchwork garland type features,
as above.
on third day of painting...totally spent
does anyone know a nice place to purchase fabric labels?


  1. Hi

    Just delurking for a minute ....

    I love your work and think it's a good idea to get onto Etsy.

    Having said that, it's very competitve on Etsy and you have to put in the time an effort with good photos, proper tags and titles and do some promotion. But it is worth it.

    I did a blog post about my experiences on Etsy last month..if you're interested to read it you can find it here:

    Good luck - I hope you sell heaps and heaps. :)

  2. Best of luck. I think originality and fine workmanship do get found on Etsy - though I know nothing about self promotion, facebook, twitter and all that other stuff that apparently helps along the way.

  3. Good luck and best wishes honey!
    One thing to think on would be to double check postage costs with Royal mail. I listed the postage for a quilt with wool batting (D'oh!) to cost £12 to post "Everywhere Else" and it actually cost £26 (It ended up going to Singapore) without tracking.

  4. Good luck
    I've sold well on Folksy, now trying my hand on Etsy. As Wendz says it is competitive. Good clear photos, and write-up.
    I buy my labels from these people. Reasonably priced too. they do designer labels and craft and hobby labels.
    Julie xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. The best I can do is offer my best wishes to you! Good for you, for dipping your toe in!! A Facebook presence is a big help these days, I believe! Good luck!

  6. Good for you! I don't have any advice, but I wish you the best of luck!

  7. oh good luck!! I did it last year and wrote a little post on my blog about it called My etsy adventure still at it!! xx

  8. Looking forward to some shopping!

  9. Best of luck to you! It's quite the plunge =)

  10. Good luck Clare! My etsy shop has been sadly neglected in the last few months! I have re-named it and hope to get some stock in there shortly. There are loads of teams that you can join on etsy and they will give you promotion through treasuries etc. You do have to keep at it though as many of us are little fishes in a humungous (is that a word?) pond! x

  11. You make some beautiful creations so go on jump in, bit of advice, get the postage right, I've not really charged enough, but it's hard as postage is outrageous in the UK! :)

  12. Loving your beautiful header and looking forward to your shop!

  13. Good for you at dipping your toe into the world of online selling. I hope that it goes well. Di x

  14. Good luck! I've done really well on etsy and my top tip would be to list little and often rather than all in one go. My viewings always peak when I list something, and it keeps bringing people in (otherwise you can get a bit lost in the ether!). I love the garlands - really pretty X


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x