
Wednesday 4 July 2012

project gingham reveal : crosstown traffic

 cross town traffic or candy boy?
 I'd love to say that the creating of this runner was all good...
whilst I loved working with the jazzy gingham
I did not enjoy working with the polycotton 
and neither did my machine!
It really should be called Calamity Jane.
 As I am only using fabric from my stash this year,
I've used an old flannelette pillowcase for the backing.
It was actually a bad purchase from ebay,
when it turned up
it was one of those 'I'm never going to use that' moments
Don't you love it when a plan comes together?
 I've not used wadding for frugal reasons...
I drew lines with a ruler and a water soluble pen  
hand quilted with two shades of turquoise perle cotton.
In an effort to find the brightest part of the house,
I've been going from room to room,
and have just realised these two above go so well together,
hence the 'candy boy'.

More gingham reveals can be found here

If you've been inspired to give gingham a go
remember to use a cotton gingham,
you wont regret it!

Happy 4th of July.

don't be tempted to bind with stretch gingham
it's not clever and never pretty....


  1. polycotton really is eeeeevil stuff, but it does look gorgeous!

  2. I love this!! I've been saving a few gingham bits here as there, looking forward to using them. I love your runner.

    Ps my hexes are coming on nicely

  3. Oh, this is lovely! The big stitch quilting is absolutely perfect! I wish I had your beautiful timber table to lay my runner on!

  4. Your runner looks great, Clare. I know what you mean about polycotton but it's not always easy to find cotton gingham, is it? Glad you found a use for the pillowcase in the end. I've just finished a simple quilt top so I'm off to look out some backing.
    Hen x
    P.S. Couldn't help noticing the building works in the background. Exciting! Hope it's all going ok.

  5. So darling! Gingham is just so warm and homey...even if it is poly-cotton. You did a fabulous job getting that fabric to cooperate! And your stitching is perfect!

  6. Very pretty! Love the handstitching and the gingham is lush!

  7. Very fresh and pretty looking. Love your hand stitching.

  8. You have made ugly material into something beautiful. Di x

  9. Lovely runner, great make!

    Although I usually sew with cotton or linen I have to say I've never had any problem with polycotton (I used to make a lot of clothes back in the 80s!) - as long as you use a polyester thread it sews (and washes)like a dream.

  10. Love the hand quilting it's a gorgeous table runner :-)

  11. This looks beautiful! Well done Clare! And wow - all stash fabric this year? Your stash must be big. Way to go!

  12. I backed two quilts with poly cotton and never again!

    Your runner is gorgeous though! Love the summery feel - ok we just have to pretend the summer is actually here!

  13. I'm working with gingham today too. It's so very "summer". Love the hand quilting oh your work!

  14. neato! I didn't have trouble with my vintage poly cotton gingham, but everyone's machines are different. I agree with Sarah (above) that polyester thread is the way to go with it, maybe that was your problem? good luck with the addition/renovation going on the the background! And thanks for playing along with me :D

  15. Despite your troubles working with the fabric, your finished project is so sweet and pretty.

  16. Your runner is lovely
    I hate poly-cotton too!
    Someone gave me an excellent tip once - Only use natural with natural.
    In other words use man-made threads with man-made fibres and cottons with cottons!
    Julie xxxxxxx

  17. LOL! Well, it's the cutest table runner ever :-) Thanks for sharing your trials and tribulations.

  18. Love this! Can't see the polyester from here - it is really cute!


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Clare x