
Wednesday 20 June 2012

the gingham garden

If you read between my lines
you've probably worked out that we are having an extension built,
which means I cant potter in the garden!!
I'm doing my best to keep out of their way,
but on occasions when I'm home
I bury my head in the stash sand
plug in planet rock
and surf the net do stuff.
So Krista from Kristastitched is hosting project gingham.
As I am on a no spend and have gingham I thought I'd have a go.
This is it so far, I have no idea where it's heading,
possibly a table runner?
I like it hanging on my design wall though hehe!
ps. is this block a shoofly or reverse shoofly?


  1. I don't know what its called but it is very pretty!

  2. I love gingham just as much as I love spots! And red and white is my all time favorite! Glad you are staying out of the way - wouldn't want you to fall in a hole! My guess would be the block is a variation of a nine patch. Hope you have a wonderful day, Clare!

  3. In answer to your p.s., not sure, but either way, they are very fresh and summery!

  4. So pretty in gingham! I don't think that's a shoofly..

  5. Well I suppose it depends . . . I'd say it's a reverse shoofly, since traditionally the darker fabric goes where you have the white. But its the same shape so who really knows? :)

  6. Whatever it's called, I like how it looks in gingham!

  7. Fresh and summery..............we could all do with a little summer right now......lovely blog, gorgeous quilts.

  8. Gingham is gorgeous! And well worth playing with!

  9. haha, you didn't get an answer! i say it's whatever you want it to be :D


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x