
Friday 15 June 2012


So this is the first time since I started gardening this garden that I have actually said
that the garden looks really good!
And that's with all the disturbance.
Sigh... roll on next summer is all I can say.
It will all be worth it!
Hope your weekend is good with a little less rain
though I wouldn't bank on it!!
ps. thanks for your lovely comments on my candy girl quilt
she has actually been in use on my bed June!?

pps. off to do my tea making duties..


  1. Well, the garden does look really good! It's just that there's this matter of some building crafts taking place amidst the beautiful flowers. Crafts are messy. What can ya do?!

  2. I use my color brick quilt now, too. Instead of a duvet / blanket.

  3. Oh my goodness Clare!
    What is going on at your house?!
    Lisa x

  4. Your garden looks so lush! Wow....they are really into it thick now, eh? I love the patches of sod! So it is cool enough to use your quilt???? Argh...I wish I could say the same!

  5. Looks like you are recreating the "Somme" in your back garden! Can't wait until the big reveal! xxxx

  6. I can see past the chaos to a very pretty English garden! It will recover very quickly when done!


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x