
Thursday 3 May 2012

history in the making...

 Thought it was time I shared a recent purchase I made online,
damn that auction site and it's wicked ways of sucking me in!
 They were described as Victorian silk and a little grubby.
They weren't cheap, but still something made me press the bid button and now they're mine.
I love the authenticity of the colours and the history...
I love that there is only one cream piece,
her wedding dress maybe?
 All 48 of them!
 I'm not sure how old they are, but the way they are sewn together 
suggests that they could be at least 100 years.
The thread is thick and not like anything I've seen,
and the papers seem to be of a handmade texture.
I love the thought of these pieces languishing in a forgotten drawer 
all the while moments in my life have come and gone.
And yet here they are in my hands,
so many unanswered questions race through my head.
 My plan is to find some white/off white silk taffeta
and finally make a piece of history.
What stories they could tell?
ps. I like their grubbiness
and the fact
that there will be holes where the tacking thread has lived all these years.....


  1. My goodness! What an incredible find! What a treasure! You must feel honoured to have the opportunity to finish this! I look forward to seeing its progress!

  2. What pretty colors. I have finished, or am in the process of finishing, several projects that were started between 1880 and 1940-ish. I love picking up where someone else left off, for whatever reason the pieces were set aside. As I sit and hand-stitch, I feel such a connection with those unknown quilters, wondering about their lives.

  3. Oh oh oh! I think I saw those on that auction site, and was so tempted to bid on them. I can't wait to see the beautiful piece of history you make :)

  4. So beautiful! I love the colors and the patterns {that blue check is soooo sweet}. It was so good of you to rescue them - they are in the best hands with you. You will work your magic and give them a new purpose. What lucky little flowers to have fallen into your hands :)

  5. Wow, what a great find! Also, you have just introduced me to the concept of searching online for bits of vintage quilts. I sense this may be dangerous...

  6. How exciting! I would love to get my hands on a pile of old quilting blocks. Have fun creating a new life for them. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  7. What a great treasure!! I'm sure these are so excited to be in your life now and to be given new life too! I'm excited to see what you do with them, they're beautiful!

  8. What a gorgeous find and how lovely that after all this time the project will get finished and loved :)

  9. Oh my, yes of course you had to buy them. They are gorgeous and totally destined for you. I wish she could have known their fate.

  10. OH WOW! Gorgeouse find. I wonder what story they tell?
    Perhaps when the papers are taken out you will find out more about them.
    Please don't through the papers away........
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  11. What an absolute treasure!

  12. My first thought was, what fabric is that? I love how it looks. I know you will make it become a beautiful something!!

  13. oh em gee. how awesome. i share your sentiment on things like this, the historical significance, the untold stories, the mystery. and the fun of playing detective. you'll do something incredible with them and that's so much better than stashing them in a box somewhere. yay!

  14. I wonder if all those fabrics hold memories for the person who put them together? Despite there age, they still look modern don't they? I really want to know more about who made them now. I bet you do too!!! x

  15. It is nice that they will finally become a quilt. Enjoy! Di xo

  16. Are you sending us all in search of vintage quilts or pieces of them - well at least they will be loved and taken care of!

    History in the making indeed - watching with great interest!

  17. They are beautiful - what an amazing find!

  18. How cool is that? I am so happy you pressed the bid button so you could share this. This is some of the most awesome stuff I've seen in creative blog land for quite some time. Enjoy the ride and keep us updated. P L E A S E! :D

  19. Wow!! What a fantastic find! I'm glad you saw them first because if I had, they'd be living here now...and I'm already full to the brim with orphaned quilt blocks. Lucky, lucky you!

  20. What a find! The gingham one is my favorite.

  21. Fascinating...what a great find! I never even thought you could find stuff like that on the net.

  22. It's my kind of patchwork! I'm so glad you rescued it.

  23. Amazing and the fact that you will continue this little piece of history is lovely

  24. How fab!! I have an old piece of pathwork that my great gandmother started. I am thinking of framing it.

  25. Wow! Amazing :-) What a find. I'm so glad they found a home with you and can finally fulfill their destiny!

  26. I love the fact that they fell into hands that appreciate them!

  27. Oh my goodness, what a find! These are gorgeous!


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Clare x