
Wednesday 9 May 2012

for flickrs sake!

With the ever expanding world of blogging and computing in general
it's getting harder to keep track of ones identity.
This is not one of those scaremongering posts,
just a few friendly reccomendations,
 nothing too deep I'm just not that savvy.
Do you ever search your blog/flickr name in google/yahoo?
Well I do, generally to see what pops up
no hedonism involved truly!
So the other day I did a search and found three websites that were showing photos
linked from my flickr account with my name and details...

I understand that they are just another way of displaying your photos to the world,
I'm just not sure I like the idea of my photos being shared by a random website 
I have not signed up for.
If they are harmless then fair enough,
I just have a suspicious nature.
Two that I remember were flickriver and flickrflu.
An easy way to stop them showing your photos
is to tick the last two boxes in the privacy section on your flick account.
It may well turn out to be the future for sharing photos 
I'd just like to be in control of my stuff
(as much as I can with a blog!)

Whilst we are on the subject of control
have you ever wondered whats been pinned from your blog?
try typing
(insert your blogname!)

I'm not naive of how the Internet works these days
I just like to have a little knowledge.
Checking your blog stats can often throw up an interesting source
and sometimes they are happy ones :O)


  1. I know exactly what you mean. It does make your heart beat a bit faster when you realize your photos are being used elsewhere. Usually it is just fine, but I guess it is always good to be careful. Your blog is so lovely, I have often thought I should just say DITTO and add a link to you!!! Would you mind??? heh heh!

  2. Well Clare, that was fun (thanks)! Looked at what was going on on Pinterst and some of the comments on my pinned photos made me laugh. One has a photo of my den which says "Cath Kidston Shop" which I found hysterical! The comments were really nice actually and I'm glad the photos have given others pleasure and inspiration. Many people had written specifically that the photo came from my blog which I thought was nice. Someone gave me a nod a few weeks ago that a certain blogger had lifted a photo of my window seat at the cottage and were using it as their blog header! Hmm, an email was swiftly despatched to that person. I think you have to be realistic about what happens to your photo once you put them online but some things take the biscuit!
    Hen x

  3. Can you be more specific and tell me which boxes to tick, what they say? Thanks for the alert.

  4. Oh my gosh I just did the pinterest thing, who knew??!! I'm not even getting into that, what a time suck!! So long as people aren't passing stuff that I did off as theirs, or that they put a link I guess it's ok but I am freaked out!!

  5. ooohhhhh!!! I did that pinterest thing and found two of my photos on there! I don't have a flickr account (I think!) and can hardly keep track of things. Before you know it your real identity can be easily found out can't it? Thanks for the info Clare. x

  6. This was full of interesting and useful information. Thanks so much!

  7. DCI Clare!! You should be in CID!!! xxxxx

  8. It's a tough one, as I'm one of the people who have pinned your work on my notice board on pinterest, and have found that it is a great way to spread the word on artists I like. BUT, as a visual artist *loads* of my work has been snaffled by others on the net, especially the social/political stuff, which I do anonymously, thus have a harder time in following up.

    The good thing about pinterest is that it always links the image back to the source blog, which other image harvesting sites like tumblr dont. If you set the privacy settings on Flickr on high, then there are other ways to "pin" the image such as using google images, but this then breaks the link back to your blog so nobody will ever know who made the work. Which is preferable?

    If you want me to remove your work from my pinterest, please say (although there have been loads of repins which will you will have to ask to remove too).

  9. I have this Google Alert going on over at my place but every time it shows up in my mailbox I can't figure out what I should do or what it tells me. I just don't understand to use it I guess. I do have a Flickr that I hardly ever update so I guess I could just take it. I don't hang out on Instagram and I don't pin on Pinterest as this is way to time consuming but I see loads of my stuff pinned if I search my blog there. It is both flattering and scary as I this Copyright thingy is not very clear. I should probably add a button like you about everything being my material on my blog.

    Tales from Cuckoo Land wrote a while ago about this girl in the UK who came in to Tesco was it and found herself printed on a new collection of spring T-shirts while standing in line by the check out. She found out someone had taken a picture from her blog and used it without asking. 100 000's T-shirts. Imagine that. I think she sued them...

    Well if anyone knows how to actually use the Google Alert I would be grateful for some advice. Interesting post. Thanks Clare...

  10. Interesting and helpful ~ thank you for posting :)

  11. Oooh, that was a fun game to see what all had been pinned off of my blog. I'll have to look into that flickr business. That's so good to know. Thanks for this post!


Your comments are greatly appreciated.
However you may find your comment doesnt appear,
dont worry its the thought that counts!
You can always find me on Instagram if you have any questions.
Clare x