
Thursday 31 May 2012

the aftermath...

 Whats better than a beautifully stacked stash?
The aftermath of a quilting project!
 After Claire talked of messing up her sewing space whilst pulling fabrics,
I thought I'd share my workspace how it is right now.
It's not too bad...though there are a million threads on the carpet!
You can see I have a couple of basted babies ready to go.
The striped one is my piece and love big hexagon quilt.
Don't they look snug as a bug?


  1. I love that 'post quilt' mess!! And I also love the stripy backing...gorgeous!!

  2. Sometimes my space is so messy and full of fabric pieces thrown on every door, shelf, stool back, ironing board, drawer, table... I stay away for a long time... And then I spend a long time cleaning up my mess. When it is clean and nice again I am ready for the next project. I only wonder how many times I've stacked and folded my stash... Your space looks very inviting by the way.

  3. the chaos of creation! love it! ;)

  4. Bwahahahaha! Ok, I'm glad it's not just me. Although the state of affairs in my sewing space may be worse. I blame the full size ironing board.

  5. Loving the stripes.
    Lisa x

  6. Those shelves look high! How do you get the fabric up there? Toss and hope?!!! LOL!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh no!!!!!

    I'm a bit OCD i think as I have a overwhelming urge to want to come over and start folding up your fabric neatly! Do I have a problem? LOL :)

    Fleur xx

  8. LOL! Oh my! It looks like you were having fun in there :0 I love getting a peek into your sewing looks like there may be a few things going on there. Good things of course! BTW...don't you love how the threads all over the floor get stuck to your feet and then end up in the most odd places in your house??? heh, heh!!!

  9. That's what my fabric stash looks like all of the time, although it's hidden in the airing cupboard so I can conveniently forget about the mess! I would love to have a dedicated work space for crafting, maybe soon. x

  10. Hey I just bought that mini ironing board at Ikea this weekend.. Wow what a stash. I have been taking an online class with Pepper Cory I love it.Pepper says the best thing can happen to us is our stashes fall over and get all mixed up :) lol..

  11. Nothing but fun going on in that room!

  12. Funny, I do not see anything "amiss". All looks normal from this end...hehehe

    blessings, jilly

  13. Lovely post
    My room looks like that permanently!
    Julie xxxxxxxxx


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Clare x