
Tuesday 24 April 2012

purple haze

 Is it me or has it rained every day since I dug the pond?
The only upside I can think to this misery is the fact that 
I have had a cold (since my titanic night out),
and at least the water butt is full again.
So I've been in a funk to put it mildly!
 What to do when the funk strikes?
Start a new quilt!!
Oh and I do work with my legs uncrossed sometimes,
if you didnt read my last post,
let me make it clear that I mean I'm using my sewing machine!
 This biennial is honesty or lunaria
grown from seed last year.
It has lovely papery seed disks after flowering.
 I need to finish this one for September for my best friends 40th.
I think the pattern is a take on the shoo fly block and it's going to be KINGSIZE!!
 I should really be cutting fabric so if you dont mind I'll sign off...


  1. Love the new quilt! Is each block a little hug or does is represent the zero at the end of 40!?

  2. Beautiful flowers.

    That quilt is going to be so fun. Like a bowl of Cheerios you can sleep under.

  3. Beautiful ~ patchwork and flowers! :)
    The Honesty is such a stunning shade!

  4. Water butt???? Love the new quilt....king size! yikes! The fabric choices are perfect. Your garden is looking lovely, Clare.

  5. It has been raining non stop!! My littlest one seems to be quite taken staying in and reading my Debbie bliss mag so maybe I might be able to sneak a cup of tea and some knitting! Fliss xxx

  6. I do not remember a day without rain this month!!! The Sarah Raven wildflower garden remains in the packet. The quilt is looking great as is the purple honesty. I love the papery seed heads of that plant. If the rain continues the seed heads will resemble papier mache!!!x

  7. Hopefully it's not the zero but a series of hugs! I shall not be offended should it not be ready or not quite kingsize but it's looking great! ;0) x

  8. Hope the cold goes away very soon. Lucky friend getting a king size quilt!
    Lisa x

  9. Ive had a stinker of a cold too. And its taking some shifting! Lovely looking quilt. xxxx

  10. Our garden is green as it has never stopped raining here but Lincolnshire needs it! The purple honesty is so vibrant. I look forward to seeing your new quilt evolve. Di xo

  11. love the big hexies....but how about giant ones?....might try that next....thanks for the post on knots..really handy to a novice....


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Clare x